I’m sure they only do it to annoy you, OP.
People are discussing wod missions. Early in wod you got raid loot missions that awarded one level upgrade over what you had completed. Later they nerfed it so you got the same level of gear as you had already done.
This has absolutely nothing to do with molten core or the mists of your childhood memories.
Same. Never bought gold from any source.
My latest run to 60 I had a few carries.
I like it when its guild help a buddy night and a 230+ guild member is paring up with a leveling guild mate. Gets that 53K random dungeon xp hit faster.
Inb4 work for it. Necrotic and plaguefall at over 50 times (you will get this in leveling a lot) is not meant to sipped and savored. Its meant to be slammed and over with ASAP. More 230 60’s the better really.
I replied to someone who said there was always a normal difficulty. They seem to have deleted their comment now.
I find it romantic to be carried by a handsome guy
Only times Ive ever used a carry is for raids that had a mount drop from the final boss. I was never in a guild that did Heroic raids and find it impossible to raid at that intensity (due to personal physical issues). Back then I looked upon it as a win/win - I got to see the fight and get the mount and the guild who took me got my gold for their members’ work.
Nowadays I probably wont anymore, unless I do it through one of the wonderful free raid groups in Discord.
I don’t. Actually the other day someone in my guild offered to carry my DH through an 8 that she was clearly not ready for and I said let’s do a 0 so I can at least contribute, get my own key and progress naturally. I hate the idea of being carried. I won’t let anyone do it.
Sometimes it’s not about paying to win. It’s about paying to skip all the over-manufactured elitist drama and tude over just letting you into a friggen group.
You use raider IO to edit out all the “Bad Players” and in turn all those “bad players” (who may not be actually bad) sometimes turn to this service to EDIT out having to listen to you whine.
There is only a service because one was made by people with massive ego’s that make life difficult for the rest of WoW.
Also, imo, the game gives nothing to spend gold on. I see some go tokens, tokens, tokens, tokens! Some carries are millionaires with nothing to buy. My last mogs bought have been pvp mark buys lol. Comp stomp has been kind to me here. Not one gold spent. Marks though…yeah I spend them.
I won’t lie…for the right mount I’d pay for a carry. When you make 1 mil over an expac, have nothing to spend it on (all my dream sheet mogs are BOP raid boss drops…no BOE’s to buy)…say 300K for a carry seems more reasonable.
I mean legion sells a 500K mount from a vendor. 300K…a steal of a deal really.
Wish I had that kinda gold…frankly mine gets feed to the barbershop and transmog vender. Some people just live on differnet gold scales. I could live off of 17k for months where other players would freak out and go into panic attacks.
Ask gold diggers this question.
Why not work a job and earn an honest living over leeching off a spouse and accomplishing nothing.
It enables them to have fun, some people no matter how hard they try. For what ever reason won’t be able to do certain types of content. However they really enjoy the power fantasy or doing other lower tiers of content and being carried to get geared allows them to more easily do that content which they enjoy or even enables them to do it at all.
Some of us have the gold/ability to do it but not the time. I go get my car washed and have my yard mowed by a service. I don’t need to go do that to earn it. Many of you out there will take gold for a service while I concentrate on real life and make gobs of money for me and my family. Git Gus at real life and you won’t feel the need to be good at a game.
Who is Gus? I really need to find him.
Gud. autocorrect is my bane.
I have paid for a carry once and it was for the Grove Warden mount during legion. I think that mount is so beautiful and I knew I was not going to be able to make the achievement without some serious help. So I paid for the carry. The people who did it played very well and it was nice of them, because they really did not ask for much. It was like 20k or something. I don’t think I’d want to do it again but that mount was worth that price for me.
If people want to worship me as a queen, who am I to stop them?
Some can’t git gud because they as gud as they going to git. Gud players git the gear cause they gud. If u no gud should u just git?
did you forget the conversation?