Gear carries don’t make sense to me but xp boosting I at least somewhat understand. People want to rush the parts they don’t like to get to the parts they do. Me I’d rather save my gold and be happy with the process instead of rushing to the end.
Visions was 8.3s choreghast
It was gifts for bad players to buy runs from
Its clear you dont know what you’re talking about.
Sometimes it’s as simple as I want to keep up with my peers but I don’t have the time to invest into it because I have other responsibilities. So I sell a gold token here and there so I can buy some gear to catch up and keep raiding with my guild. It’s not even to move past, it’s just to keep up. I do occasionally look at the group sellers but I have never done it. However it is tempting because outside of raid my play times are not the same and when I have a free 4 hours, they do not. I rarely do mythic plus and that is mostly because I no longer have the patience to sit in town and look for groups when there is so much solo stuff I can do that garentee’s me at least something for my efforts.
I don’t see being carried as fun any more than I find fun in wipe after wipe.
But I do, I played number of MMOs where this part was done right, but they of course had abundance of flaws in other departments.
You seems to be missing the part where WoW lost more players than any other MMO ever had, and this decline is not stopping anytime soon with no changes done to this design.
Same as they buy runs from raiding guilds? But the difference is it gave the option to do solo progression, without buying anything, to those that wanted it.
In an essence yes, but I liked them way more than torghast. Torghast feels pointless with current reward system it got.
Why do I want to get carried? I’d love to answer that.
The main reason is that I’m just antisocial. I also play on a server in a country that I dont live in, so there is less I have in common with the players on my server.
The second reason is that the main reason why I play this game is for fun gameplay in pvp. I don’t really care about achievements, hence why it doesn’t matter if I bought them or not.
The third reason is because I can. I have tens of millions of gold because I’m good at making gold in this game. I’ve reached the point where there isn’t much else to spend on.
The 4th reason is that I enjoy no strings attached raw fun in pvp. I don’t like doing rated pvp (mostly it’s my antisocial ways but also LFG sucks). So, it’s much easier for me to just pay someone skilled to get me to the rating I want to be at for gear upgrades.
The 5th and final reason is that I’m an altoholic. I play every class and am gearing a character of every class. Getting each one to 1800 without carries to enjoy unrated pvp would be a huge and miserable time sink. Thankfully I can afford to boost any and all of them to 1800…
This isn’t other mmos.
It’s a 16 year old game. People are going to quit for a variety of reasons.
And it was a terribly implemented catch up system.
Of course, and this is one of them.
I fail to see how, 5 ilvls below mythic raid gear, can be considered “catch-up”.
When you have achievements, mounts, cosmetics(and gear) etc locked behind a certain activity it encourages selling carries and the likes.
Personally I never saw the reason to buy a carry in the first place. It just feels dirty like typing in a cheat code or looking up a walkthrough if you get stuck in a game. Then again when you have a highly competitive game like wow people very easily get nudged toward these “services”.
That’s why bad players quit. Expecting the game to change how it’s been a majority of its life span is absurd.
That’s why it was terrible. It shouldn’t have give. That high of ilvl as it was the catch up system for 8.3
Because WoW has been changed from a “game” into a “shopping mall where you can buy products and services for real life cash” via the Blizzard store token (gold). That one official change altered what WoW is forever. The reasoning was sound as to why buying and selling gold outside of the game was against the TOS in the beginning. Today, Blizzard would rather a shopping experience where they get their cut of the action instead of having a game people want to play.
Nothing has changed. Boosts were going on before the token so that argument is terrible.
Nope, catch up system for 8.3 were assaults boxes\ emissaries rewarding 445 (normal nylotha) gear.
Visions was solo-progression system even with a fos and a title for completing it.
You see, MMO lives by those as you call them “bad” players. If your raiding group were one day to leave the game, nobody in the world would even notice the difference, as you have no impact on the world or the game.
If “bad” world player all leave the game, the game is over.
Players making exchanges in the game with each other for goods and services is called playing the game. You give me this, I give you that. We’re transacting what we’ve earned. Players purchasing gold with cash from the official Blizzard store to transact in the game isn’t called “playing the game” it’s called buying gold to buy products and services in the game.
False. Emissaries were a thing throughout the entire legion and BFA expansions but they weren’t catch up systems.
Visions were 8.3s catch up just like Korthia is 9.1s catch up.
Raiders play the entire game and don’t exclusively play world quests.
It’s still the same thing.
It’s why WoW isn’t pay to win.
It’s not the same thing. You’re probably being willfully ignorant because you are one of those people that sell services in WoW and you’re protecting your business, I get it.
False. I don’t sell boosts. You need a better argument because even if I did that’s still not an argument or valid at all.
Korthia is analog of nazjatar with benthic gear.
8.3 catch up were the boxes from assaults that contained 445 gear, as I already noted above, on top of expansio-wide catch up system of emissaries.
The ones you’re speaking for here mostly raid-log, you’re out of touch with the game as it is clearly seen from your stance, existing in your bubble of instanced content with a small circle of your raiding group.
You didn’t bring any argument to the table. Saying, “No it isn’t” is not an argument. Paying for things in game with real cash via the Blizzard store gold is different than playing the game and earning the gold yourself.