Why Do People Even Want To Be Carried?

You’re not soloing a raid world boss.

I was playing solo.

Again, it’s an MMO, world doesn’t care for your effort, the only thing that matters is keeping the world alive, time spent grinding those 20 mobs in the open is as valuable, if not even more valuable, as your time spent spamming frost bolt on a rag for 15 minutes once a week, in your small circle of friends. You’re contributing nothing to the world by doing that, only gearing up your self and your group. While the open world farmer farms mats that enter the economy \ crafts consumables you use in your raids \ provides wpvp target for ganks \ keeps the world alive.

Group content should give you advantage in speed with which you acquire that gear, not be the only source of said gear.


Because being hardstuck at 1550, hoping to queue into a team that doesn’t already outgear you, isn’t a viable use of one’s time.

I get one of my characters boosted to 1800 rating, then I carry my friend to 1800, then he carries one of my alts to 1800, etc.

Once the gear advantage is gone, arenas become a lot more fun, competing on a level playing field.

If that’s your feeling then go play a game that supports that.

Your 20 killed takes literally zero effort
Or difference.

I’m not even frost so I don’t use frost bolt. But even if I was raiding takes coordination

You may want another game then. MMORPGs aren’t about level playing fields, they’re about effort and skill rewarding power that you can use to earn MORE power easier.

One way to stop it, Make it so you don’t get any loot in raids unless you’re playing with guild members in a guild that you’ve been in for at least a week or more.

See that’s the point, I’m playing MMO, you’re playing lan-co-op game fighting bosses in an instanced environment once per week and logging off. While also insisting that all other players that don’t enjoy your play-style should forever be below you in power-level for some reason.

Perhaps it would be overall better for the game if it would stop catering to this mentality and returns to the MMO genre.


This is the first expansion to ever lock armor upgrades behind rating, and, unsurprisingly, the system is flawed.

I don’t need to find another game when boosting exists to get around Blizzard’s design failures.

Modern sense of Entitlement?

You’re incorrectly assuming I only raid and then log off

And no doing world quests doesn’t take any effort or skill.

That’s where you’re confused. This game has always had raiding as the endgame.

No it’s not.

You must be new here.

8.3 Horrific visions 5 masks = 470 corrupted piece of gear reward. 5 ilvl below mythic raiding.
That was excellent implementation of solo progression.
So no, not always. I’m sure there were other examples in the past too, but I only started this game in 8.1 so I wouldn’t know.


Auction barons have a ton of gold, so why not buy some carries with it?

They’ve won one aspect of the game, so may as well enjoy the spoils.

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I found this rare video of them celebrating another mount sale…

Yes because last expansion you coudln’t just buy gear, you had to earn it each week with pvp at the rating you earned and get it in a weekly chest.

Did you just get triggered because someone dared enjoy the game differently than you?

Well aren’t you special.


Some people like hard games, some people like easy games.
Some people like feeling like they worked for and earned a reward, some people just like having the reward no matter how it is obtained.

I don’t think this is too complicated of an issue.


Lots of people just want to be stronger, regardless of if they put in the effort to get there or not. Throw Mythic Raid gear on the cash shop for $30 per piece and people would absolutely buy that too.

That said, there is some merit to buying an AotC carry, particularly if you’re not the type to brute force pug it in the first few weeks. Whether it’s just you playing less / progressing slower than that crowd, or switching to a different character before you got there, or maybe resubbing partway through a patch… knocking out that achievement can make the rest of your grind more tolerable by means of being able to actually get invited once we’re a month+ into a tier and half the decent groups require AOTC.

Back in WoD, it’s what I did. I quit shortly after HFC launched, I just had no interest in playing despite it being a brand new raid. So I bailed. I unsubbed. I played FFXIV for the first time for 3 or 4 months. And then I was satisfied with that and came back to WoW.

I did what I could to get some early gear, bought an Archimonde kill, then pugged the rest of the raid without any trouble being invited, and went from there.

I would argue that me getting the gold instead of slaving away in a raiding guild to pay a raiding guild and get what I want fits your “work hard, work smart, pay your dues, THEN succeed” thing.

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