Why Do People Even Want To Be Carried?

And your point is?
This is an MMORPG, not team based moba. MMO gives you an open world and lets you figure out how to make your way through it, be it joining a guild and raiding with them, or making it on your own, it’s massive multiplayer online fantasy world, not “lfg for M+\raid-log simulator” as you play it.

With your attitude you’d be better off in MOBA genre, and I see that this game was mostly catering hard to the players of your mentality, “team-play only or die” which why it’s currently bleeding players.
As nothing in the open world matters for your power-progression, and all the relevant content for that is “find group for M+, watch someone rage quit on first wipe, log off” or “log in on tuesday do your scheduled raid, log off for the week”.

The open world is half barren and nearly dead.

The only people that are actually playing MMO here are there in the open world, doing wpvp, running random bgs, hunting rare mounts, farming gold, meeting people in the world and so on, not you sitting in your instanced content in your small circle of guildies.


Says who…?

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When I read your title, I thought you were talking about people generally wanting to be carried through content, not specifically paid carries.

Paid carries I don’t care about. Those bother me less than someone trying to sneak into a group they’re not ready for.

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In fairness, this is a big problem with how the game is designed.

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If I don’t have my stroller, nothing beats getting carried.


Seriously, tho…PerkeyPugs. Never pay for another carry again. All they ask for is for you to join and support the community!

The games design. This game is designed around group content for the best gear.

They literally gift solo players normal
Difficulty gear now.

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The same design that got this game to bleed out ~10 millions of players?

Proper MMO give alternative paths for solo vs group content. Group content gets you gear fast, while solo is a long grind.

And yes group content should have some exclusive cherry on top rewards, but not the disparity of 30 ilvls between top solo gear vs top group content.


they have since at least mop put heroic raid level gear from world content.

No it shouldn’t. Group content actually takes effort to organize over killing some random mob 20 times.

False it’s usually normal equivalent. It shouldn’t even be that high.

world bosses gave heroic raid gear - there wasn’t even a ‘normal’ difficulty until SoS.

people got mythic raid gear in Legion and BfA from world content, i.e. solo play

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I actually ask this question every time a carry thread comes up.

Is it really an achievement if you don’t earn it? Even if noone else knows, “we do we check parses,” YOU KNOW. That mount/gear is nothing but a reminder of what you’re NOT GOOD ENOUGH to get yourself.

Not to mention you set yourself up for failure. If people DON’T check your parses they’ll expect a CE raider. That means they’ll be watching for “how amazing your heals must be or w/e” You might have skated under the radar before with a mediocre performance but everyone will notice when you have that fake achievement attached to you. Then the accusations of buying carries will come, along with the ridicule and the removal from group. It literally makes things worse for you.

It’s also bad for the game. Selling carries has turned the world first race into a min maxing spendapalooza where guilds buy up entire server economies worth of BOES and mats. It’s impossible to reach a competitive level with them (Unless you spend thousands on tokens) because people will pay FAR more for a “Limit Raid Carry,” than random X guild.

I’ve suggested multiple solutions for that problem, including requiring exalted status from the guild and a full guild group to earn AOTC and Mythic mounts but… the carries are vocal and many.

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Remember in WoD where some missions gave us Mythic raid gear? Good times :sunglasses:

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no, I believe you had to raid heroic to get mythic and I never did that expansion.

That never really happened for most people. You got whatever content you’ve completed gear wise. If you only did LFR, you got an LFR piece.

It was always a nice little surprise to get them :slight_smile: I didn’t raid mythic, or at least I don’t remember it if I did. I think they gave you gear based on your characters current ilvl.

Thanks, Garona!

World bosses aren’t solo content. Those are raid bosses.

False there has always been a normal difficulty.

Ehhh before there was a heroic there was no “normal” It was just the raid.

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originally if you did LFR you got normal, if you did normal you got heroic - they nerfed it part way through


there is no requirement to join a group - many times I didn’t, I just tagged the boss.

and the current normal difficulty didn’t happen until SoS. There were only three raid difficulties prior to that. The game never had 4 difficulties until then and the difficulty that was added was your ‘normal’ difficulty.