Why Do People Even Want To Be Carried?

Would be much better if earning it didn’t mean manually putting together groups. I have no problem earning rewards. Mage tower was one of my favorite things in the game, for example.

I just don’t want to play with strangers, and my friends are only on in certain windows. Why make me always depend on others to earn my own rewards?

I mean some things just require groups or group content. That shouldn’t be a negative thing when playing the game it encourages socialization and you may meet someone new to add to your friends list to play with in the future.

I understand going for bis, but if you won’t do that content, why does the bis have to be the highest ilvl? Other than the sense of achievement in having a baller ilvl, what does it get for you personally?

I can’t comment further on the pvp situation as I don’t do it.

I will say though, the leggo system and conduit stuff has really messed with playing multiple roles, as someone who plays my CLASS not my SPEC, I hate having to farm up all the ash n stuff. (I’m at 7 leggos on this toon already and it’s frustrating)

No it shouldn’t, but it feels like it is, because that’s all there is. Game’s rather shallow outside of manual group content.

That’ll get you MAYBE one short session of carries with no guarantees.

Most of the carry groups openly express their prices in multiples of Token value - THEY know their customers are buying their gold.

No, the guy i responded to was wrong, my comment to him was correct, you were wrong when you corrected my comment by incorrectly attributing it to your argument.


The same ilvl that people paying for PvP boosts were getting in January.

I love being carried.

Walking places is overrated.

Ego maniacs… Without the work~

I see another person corrected you as well. But of course everyone else is wrong and you are right - delusional.

LFR players will be given a chance at Normal raid gear every two weeks.
Normal players will be given a chance at Heroic raid gear every two weeks.
Heroic players will be given a chance at Mythic raid gear every two weeks.
Mythic raiders will be given a chance at Mythic raid gear and 1000 gold every two weeks.

Lazyness, pure and simple.

Back in the game’s prime (WOTLK era) people really didn’t care outside of the game what you had achieved, and only rarely would they even comment in game “Wow how do I get that?” or “Man that’s awesome, great job getting that blue protodrake!”

Now there are “no F***s given” about anything.

I could buy a Sire Denathrius Mythic if i wanted to for about $4.50 last season on Nathrezim server with the token pay-to-win system. It devalued something that already had very little value to begin with.

There is no advantage to be had with a bought carry, BUT players still want them. And people will keep doing it because WoW made the game fully pay-to-win. And then every 4 months (I’m sorry, 9 months now at least) they reset it all so you can do it again.

It’s a really sad and terrible state of affairs.

KEK imagine thinking people want to get boosted for gear, nor care about what other people think.

All they want is to satiate the dopamine hoarding craving in their brain by using the most efficient means to garner FOMO, by paying with cash with the blessing from blizzard (aka the wowtoken).

My point of view:

I’m not fond of carries. I personally think they erode the community aspect of the game.
Before I continue, none of you are obligated to agree with me and I won’t waste my time arguing either.

The first time I ever raided (really raided with a structured group) was in Cataclysm. That feeling of finally downing Nefarion in Blackwing Descent was worth every hour spent learning the boss, failing and coming back next week with the same group of people I now called close friends.

That, and I also love the setup, the gearing, the anticipation of getting another 10-20 shots and clearing the raid. That time spent with that guild finally made me enjoy a game I had no clue I was sucking at for so long.

So, say what you want about the legitimacy of a carry, but I’d have never made those friends, started my own guild and made great friends doing the same exact thing, or anything else if I had simply paid for a carry.

I recently came back and my guild is dead until the next patch. Playing catch up sucks and besides the games internal time gating the community time gates you if you lack the necessary experience(which I totally understand). So now I have to spend gold on 15+s and a heroic Sylv so I can be accepted into these groups. I’m using the gold I made selling carries since Heroic Archimonde. I have the skills and even did more damage than some of my carriers. Playing catch up sucks and I don’t have the energy to go find another guild atm. I’d rather pug 15’s and heroic raiding at this point. Once I have the experience/knowledge I’ll end up making my own raids. I’ll probably buy another 15 this week for 200k since it will be difficult for me to get into a +15 group due to my low IO, which I am currently grinding up.

*At least last time I “quit for reals” I was smart enough to back up my UI settings. XD

At this point i’m convinced you’re a troll. Other people arguing something else does NOT make you right.

So if you play retail it’s easy mode compared to what classic was so if you get to end game and did it through retail when the game is easy mode did you earn it? If you join a guild and get the benefits of the guild buffs did you earn it if you didn’t join the guild at level one and earn the buffs? If you use Heirloom items is that earning things on that alt because that’s easy mode also? Where does the line start and stop with what’s “earned” in a video game?

I would suggest to just quit. Sounds like you are on track to use more money than you’re bringing in, like for example expenses incurred going to work.

Like at what point do you expect yourself to stop treading water and finally move on to “swimming/sailing.”

Call it doc the classic andyism is terminal.

I don’t get it either, it takes away all sense of accomplishment TBH.

HOWEVER, if my 1660 IO Mage sees a group of four 447 players when I list my 16 Mists key, you better believe I am inviting them. They’ll crush me in DPS but I won’t be a liability. So you know, this is a fluid thing. I would never pay gold for it. I mean, LOL.