The reason is typically that the game is gated by it’s own community. You NEED 2k IO to do a +5 keystone for some reason. You NEED AotC to do normal raid bosses or any heroic raid bosses. You NEED 10 kills of any one boss to do that boss.
Not saying I agree or disagree with people’s wants to be carried or the people having high requirements, but that is what is driving boosting up up and away.
It can be frustrating for a player to be denied countless times for groups just because you haven’t done all content at highest level 3 weeks into the expansion. It can be frustrating to attempt to PvP 3 weeks into the expansion but all your opponents are 50% vers glads. Some people cannot play as often as others because they are busy. So they pay [gold] for a carry, usually via a a token, that they worked real life to get. Then they pay for carries to get gear to play optimally and get groups invites.
Let’s take a different popular multiplayer game with no gear, Sea of Thieves. There is virtually no boosting because no one is barring you from randomly crewing up with them if you don’t have X ilvl or Y achieve.
Again, not to agree or disagree with anything. But you asked why they carry, this is why.
I don’t want or need any specific run. I just needed a little jump start, especially with the 15 chest due to the weekly loot.
There are a lot of people on these forums that haven’t learned a simple life lesson. Mind your business and worry about yourself. Carry’s are not affecting your gameplay aside from trade chat spam and have been in the game since it came out.
**Not sure how my reply is above you. I must have messed up some editing. /shrug
If you got so much gold and don’t care how it’s spent then why not be more efficient with your time and buy every run you need. Rather than pay for boosts to earn credentials and then do the song and dance to get it into groups? Seems easier to do the former.
I get that you are joking, sort of, but this really isn’t true. It’s hard to get into groups as a DPS but I was only at 1200 or so IO in reason 2 and was getting into +12 and +13 easy.
I’ve bought 4 carries in my life. (With gold I farmed, not wow tokens)
- WoD Challenge Mode Gold - I wanted the weapon skins, most of them are still incredible.
- WoD Grove Warden Mount - I wanted it cause it matched my monk’s transmog.
- Legion Mythic +15 on my Druid for the Purple Glow Bear Skin, Because Blizzard told us the ability to earn this skin would go away then backtracked months later.
- Legion Violet Spellwing Mount - It’s honestly a gorgeous mount. It just takes up too much screen room so I rarely use it.
I don’t enjoy being carried for gear. But limited time cosmetics? If I really want them, then yes I will invest in them with a carry.
Oh I know, I am too. Only partly joking, most groups don’t require such high ranks. But some groups do still say the IO is too low. Basically I can understand the frustration. I got almost 1.6k and I do M+ all day everyday due to summer break from college. So I get people with a lot less time but with money irl to just get tokens and then get their all 15’s. Hasn’t been affecting me at all
Literally not even joking.
There was a Torghast group up last night, they were looking for “Big Pumpers.” (I Don’t join groups like that cause it’s toxic)
So I jokingly message “I can offer small pumpers and lots of annoying talking.” I figured if they invite, I can deny, if they don’t respond, nothing lost. If they say no, who cares. But no.
They literally asked me for my io score. For Torghast.
some people dont have the time due to rl stuff so a carry is convenient, then there are folks who have health or mental issues that make doing the mechanics an issue for them_____i see nothing wrong with carries_if you have the gold to afford one i say go for it…and people need quit being so judgemental about someone getting a carry, when someone starts paying my WoW subscription then i might care what someone thinks of me lol
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I’ve never done Torghast in a group. Just do it on your own, it’s better anyway. I get your point though and there will be clowns like that, I see them too.
I’m Survival.
Torghast is horrible as Survival.
Almost all of the Hunter powers are based around slowing down the enemy so you can kite them to death.
I can’t kite as Survival.
The only power that actually does anything for Survival is the one that increases our crit by 100% and damage from crits by 100% for like 6 seconds after stunning something with intimidate.
That’s it.
Even the base “Increases damage of basic spell by 50%” power increases the damage of our focus generator that hits like a wet noodle, rather than our actual damaging skill.
At least in the group I can offer the utility powers like reducing tank damage by 90% when I misdirect them (or similarly powers that increase my target’s damage by 50/100/150/200% when I misdirect them), or hunters mark increasing the damage the target takes by 15/30/45/60%.
idk, why do people ask stupid questions?
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there’s no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people that ask questions - some character on Wings
There is a bright side. As a guild leader, I’ve noticed a lot more activity for M+ and Torghast cuz people don’t wanna deal with all this. Is Blizz creating the end of the pug mentality? Hmmm…
For gear.
Gear equals ilvl and achievements
Ilvl and achievement means pugs will let you in.
I REFUSE to pay-to-win for any game, including WoW (is totally p2w, you know it’s sad but true). The game is designed that way, you can’t be competitive without getting carried or going hard 24/7.
So, I can see why people would rather pay money; you’re either paying with your time or your money anyway. I play WoW a LOT. Too much, I don’t have time for anything else…to the point I think about quitting WoW daily. This isn’t a game you can pick up and put down on the weekend and still “git gud”. Complete commitment is required and even then, I don’t have enough time to gear up. Which begs the question, what’s the point at all?
So yeah, I can see why people pay to get carried. Skill is not a factor in the game…you need the gear, the meta, add-ons, and macros. With that, a vegetable can “git gud”.
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In TBCC there’s a lively gold market for boosting from 30 on. I didn’t really find it worth it but I think I understand. The back half of azeroth is kind of tedious, I’d understand why anyone would skip 50-58 for example. I’m going to power it out, but I understand.