Good enough to do the content but don’t want to spend hours trying to get into groups requiring AOTC or “link me something”. Much easier to just token up to get AOTC and be able to pug the raid going forward vs committing to a raid schedule with a guild.
Hilarious you would say this after the post you wrote was dripping in judgment.
I’m trying to understand your point of view and failing. You want to block a non-raider from getting the mount because raiders get it? Do mythic raiders get an enormous amount of pride from bragging that they did a heroic boss?
No. I sell. I benefit from them buying it, I want more people to buy so i can make more gold. But that doesn’t mean i understand the motivation.
Heroic raiders do. So i know this might shock you, but there’s different levels of raiding. Some people only clear normal and struggle with heroic. Some only Clear heroic and never even set foot in mythic. You know what none of these different skill levels of raiders nessacrily do? Buy their way around the content so they don’t have to play it at all.
Again i will say, i understand buying a carry for a mount. Or maybe for a chance at a hard to obtain transmog this makes sense. Buying like AOTC or CE in tiers with no mount? What’s the point?
No I didn’t , the post you replied to wasn’t part of that conversation though
Why do you care if people want to be carried?
Seriously, I don’t understand it, them getting carried or paying for it effects you in no way. You can continue to play without giving a damn and never having to interact with them.
ALso not everyone views things as needing to be “Earned” in video games. Especially not perpetual video games that constantly make themselves less relevant with every patch.
I used to be a pretty heavy raider in Wrath and “earned” all my kills and gear from there, but it means nothing at this point. Does anyone actually care I raided in wrath now? Likely not. Maybe a few would, but I highly doubt a majority of people would remotely care.
So if it’s al going to be irrelevant eventually anyways, why do you care how people experienced the content?
I think it’s likely partially based on the way that WoWs systems interact with each other and the player base.
If you pay for an AOTC SOD carry you get two important things:
The AOTC achievement which will make it far easier for you to get into groups moving forward, giving you not only the loot from the run but also a significantly enhanced amount of loot moving forward;
The ability for the Great Vault to drop loot from the final two bosses significantly earlier than you may have achieved it if you had to play through at your own pace.
Even if you’re a player who is capable/intending to get through the raid on your own paying for it once massively accelerates your gearing speed.
That gear race isn’t really important if you’re in a guild but it’s critical for getting into PUGs. When the patch launched M+ 12s were easy to get into for anyone with a 223 or so Ilvl. M+ 12s aren’t harder now but the ilvl expectation has gone up because the supply of DPS outpaces the demand.
Ultimately I think a lot of the paid carries really come down to the supply/demand curve. The overall supply of certain classes is far higher than the demand which means that people don’t look to see whether a person’s ilvl is good enough for the content they’re doing, they look to see what the highest ilvl is where supply equates demand.
There’s a strong demand for people buying carries which is why the market still continues. I’ve seen people who are 9/10 H buying AoTC carries because they’re tired of wiping 100+ times in pug groups trying to get it.
Some people just either buy a lot of WoW tokens or they know how to play the ingame economy.
They help bypass the rng loot system. The aotc carry and mythic kills also help get into groups a little easier.
Most people I know that but the carries just want to play the end game content without having to deal with the loot casino. Can’t blame them.
Not that I think rating requirements are good, but season 3-4 of TBC had rating requirements and all of Wrath had rating requirements on weapons/armor (not accessories).
the arrows show a direct link - I have no idea what the heck is going on in your brain but I know what I was talking about and I was talking about the mission table rewards in WoD.
Odd question to those who sell carries. How many times have you had a customer who really didn’t need to be carried at all?
Cause I suspect you have some that only pay because they don’t want to deal with the aggravation of other players who think they are great.
I see it all the time.
I sold keys this and last season and you’ll see people with the same iLvl as people in your group, they do good dps, but they just want to pay to be run through a +15. Everyone in the group gets their cut and I can’t complain after that.
It’s the same with raid carrying. We’ve sold AOTC carries to people who were 9/10. They were just so frustrated trying to pug Sylvanas they just gave up and paid for it.
It’s just easy money if you can find buyers because you’re just doing your normal activities, but being paid to do it.
While I don’t sell, they do suck. Had a melee druid doing DOS mythic, hey had a higher ilvl then I…worse damage of the group. (Even the healer out damaged them and they died at least 10 times). So…pay to win…yeah, pay to look good in high ilvl gear and still can’t play.
caveat: I haven’t been involved in boosts since BfA because I just do it when I need gold.
but - all the time.
sometimes it was someone who was busy through the week, it’s late on a monday night and they just want to get their key done for the week.
sometimes it was someone who was looking for a specific item from a specific dungeon, so they’d buy an armor stack group of people who can trade to them.
sometimes it’s someone on an alt with a high io on their main, just trying to gear up quickly.
etc. stuff like that
I bought an aotc carry once because I was concerned that before I completed it myself, my group would stop raiding and I’d be unable to pug without that.
too bad being open minded isn’t more of a thing with our generation
it has nothing to do with ‘gimme’ in a whole lot of cases and to smack a label on it like that is pure stupidity.
It’s endemic to your generation and any number of published articles discuss the issue.
Too bad reading is such a chore.
Forbes Magazine - 2019 - essentially says that your generation has to be treated “special” or they won’t stick to jobs.
Snowflakes the lot of you.
You want more sources, put a little effort into googling “hiring and retaining post-millennial workers” yourself.
i bought a carry at the end of BfA cuz i wanted the mount. nothing else. i dont like raiding, i dont get “satisfaction” from it. its a boring long fight and i dont feel accomplishment from it. its just a thing. but there was a mount i wanted, and i had plenty of gold, so i got it.
even now in tbcc, my guild is raiding and really i do it cuz they all like it and want to do it. but really i just end up feeling p’d off afterwards. there is always drama… someone loses a roll, so they throw a tantrum. rng messing with mechanics, someone throws a tantrum… when we do down that boss, im not excited, im just like finally thats over, now onto the next one i guess…
so, in retail, if theres a mount or something behind a boss that i really want, ill use my hard earned gold ive gotten from farming across my army of alts, not tokens, and pay to just get that 1 thing done.
my generation is your generation - Einstein - try reading yourself.
And I wasn’t replying to you in the post you replied too. Not sure why you’re struggling to understand something so simple.