Why do night elves shun their troll heritage?

That’s silly and you know it. There were other laylines all over the world. The elves know it.
This colonial nonsense is simply wrong.

Well pretty much yes they were.

The other thing is: On their first settlement they went crazy sure, but they were left alone.

In Chronicle many highborne told Dath’Remar to conquer the humans for their land, and he refused! He only used violence against the Amani, because the Amani attacked first, and never stopped attacking, giving no chance for diplomacy to happen.

If Dath’Remar were some imperialist invader, wouldn’t he go for the easier target? Humans were less numerous than Trolls, and less physically strong, and would have been easier to conquer.

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That’s only hypocrisy of the writersand the elves. The High elves were not attacked in Tirisfal.
Only after invading further there was any push back

Invasions are never a good idea.

He was.

No because that’s the hypocrisy in Blizzaards writing. Humans are good, Trolls are beasts to be slain. That’s it.

And your mindset and defense of colonization and genocide are disgusting. Even going so far as to say: “It was the only option”. No. “It was just.”. No.


Whats disgusting is your strawman argument, no one is defending wars of aggression, however, when the natives attack first, they are the aggressors.

The highborne were a group of civilian refugees, attacking them without provocation is a warcrime, you cant use trespassing as an excuse, when they didnt know anything about the land they were in.

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Tirisfal was Amani land. No one bothered the Elves there. Right? As they went on and invaded the Amani pushed back.

Edit: And no I don’t have any problems with wars of extermination etc. in stories. But keep it in context.
Your argument is basically saying the Horde was right in the Second War. “ They had no option ”. Yeah, no.


The Horde in the second war was an invading force of alien warriors high on demon blood. The Highborne who came to Tirisfal were civilians, more than half being women, children, and elders.

Source there?


A look more hypocrisy.

Both groups were refugees.
Both groupes used magic.
Both groups were invaders killing the natives.

The Amani didn’t bother the Elves in their first settlement. And yes Tirisfal was marked as part of Amani territory.

Your hypocrisy and Blizzard is very easy to see.


Common sense? ~50/50 male female ratio already puts it at 50%, Children on average make up 20% of a population, and elderly on average make up 10% of a population. Halving the latter two in half to take into account of already being counted in the women category, that means Women, Children, and Elderly would be about 65% of the population.

So no actual source, you’re just making stuff up. Figures, you’re that kind of person.

Fantasy populations don’t necessarily track with real life figures in the same way we don’t have Orc armies or tree people. Especially when the group is a random group of nobles not inherently representative of anything than people who liked magic.


So you made it up. Got it.

And don’t ignore my comment to your hypocrisy only because you have no response.

The elves were left alone at first.

Chronicle does call them a refugee population, by default they were all non combatants until the trolls forced them to defend them selves. This is a warcrime.

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As were the Orcs and Ogres in the Second War.

What hypocrisy, if we go by the in universe morality, the Titans said Cannibalism is unacceptable, and the Amani practice cannibalism. That already makes them villains from the get go. I’m pretty sure even the darkspear and Zandalari now denounce cannibalism, but the Amani haven’t stopped to this day.

And yes the Forsaken are also evil if they do cannibalism (along with their other crimes).

One wrong against the numerous wrongs the High Elves did by continuing knowingly invading someone’s territory after the first attack, killing the natives while still invading, and stealing sacred land.

The High Elves are absolute far above in the wrong. Responding to a wrong with more wrongs isn’t good.

The Titans also killed billions, I don’t really care about their claims to moral authority.


Survival of the fittest, we are lead to understand that the high elves not taking the path they did would probably lead to their deaths, starving to death or freezing in some mountain pass as they almost did.

Its never wrong to preserve your own life, especially not in a conflict started by cannibals who attacked first.

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There is no such thing as evil in a survival situation, especially not when you were attacked by a tribe of cannibals. The Amani were not fighting for survival, because look, the high elves built Quel’Thalas and the Amani still survive.

The High Elves let the Amani live, something the Amani would not have done for the high elves. This is something you keep continually ignoring. The Amani were not fighting for survival in this situation. The high elves were. Life is more important than some dubious land claim.

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Is a really outdated morality most people don’t ascribe to. Someone who thinks that wouldn’t be going on about war crimes or whining about cannibalism.

No we aren’t. We’re lead to believe it might lead to some deaths. But that’s on them for going there in the first place without doing their due diligence. If you make a mistake, that’s on you. Not the person you are trying to screw for it.

Sure it is in some situations. If I shoot myself in the liver and need a new one, I don’t have free license to kill someone and steal their liver. That’s a ludicrous morality.


The problem is, the Amani were not fighting for survival in this situation, the High Elves were. That gives the latter a bit of more lenience, if the Amani were fighting for survival, how do they still live to this day? That’s a mercy the high elves wouldn’t have received had the Amani won.

Deleted my last comment in accident on my phone

You seem desperate. The Amani were the defenders, natives, good guys, protecting their families and you lost.

The High Elves were invaders.

You keep ignoring the fact the Amani let their first settlement alone.