Why do most Tauren players NOT appreciate tauren?

What’s the gay or furry equivalent of a neckbeard?


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I do prefer hanging around Thunder Bluff the most. Minotaurs are cool. I don’t think it’s very often that fantasy games portray them as being benevolent.


To be fair, when Sylvanas was resurrecting/reanimating Tauren at Lordaeron, it was to hurt the alliance. Pyrrhic victory and all.

I enjoy being a Tauren and I can assure you I am not a furry. Now excuse me while I go log into my Vulpera.

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Omg yes! Im still salty we havent gotten Taunka. I was so excited when Wrath came out, and a new tauren race was introduced. And then there was an actual questline in which many actually join the horde. Ive wanted totem racial weapons since vanilla
The mount/door idea is now something i will champion until the end of my days

This would be the BEST thing ever!

Because you compliment “some players”, you generalize to “most players”?

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I only like Taurens due to their racials and flowers on your head. I don’t like mogs on Tauren, it looks funny.

My nelf-playing friends sometimes whisper gnomes. Some whispers are nice. Some are a little bit creepy. It’s cute that they want to steal the gnomes.

Even on an RP realm, I find Tauren like to be left alone. (And I play with warmode on always)

My opinion of Horde as an Alliance player on RP:
Orc - Really up to the player, I meet some who are meatheads that chase me across the whole map when I’m leveling new toons (Chakaga) Or I meet really nice ones that emote and interact more than any race.
Tauren - Like to be left alone, will usually be farming or grinding something. I’ve never been attacked by a Tauren in the open world since Shadowlands has started.
Undead - A lot like the Orcs actually, although less emotes.
Blood Elves - The filth of the horde. They will attack almost any alliance they see, they seem to be the ones who love to roll Rogues for ganking lowbies. Usually terrible players.
Troll - Friendly players, sometimes I get into fights with them, but it usually ends civilly, with one being the victor and the other leaving. I don’t normally see Trolls actually troll lowbies. They like fair fights and have the most honor, while also looking for fights.

I won’t cover the special races, as I don’t have much of a strong opinion on them just yet. I’m pretty casual, but I do also notice Tauren’s like to be left alone. (Usually druids or hunters)

I conceed that most helms look pretty bad but armor looks amazing.

That’s what happens when people let robots bully them into playing a race they don’t like for gains of under a single percentile.

But don’t pity them, that’s their choice.

Have you ever seen tauren’s heritage armor? probably one of the best mogs in the game currently
thats enough reason to roll tauren :wink:


True and true unfortunately.

Kinda wish some racials weren’t so strong, or you could just pick racials between certain races.

Whose transmogs all look like they were painted on a water balloon.

Just be glad tauren are so chill, lesser races, or we would have taken over the planet long ago.

(Taunka allied race plz n ty)

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Only reason I dont play warlock or rogue it cant be tauren.

All my toons that can be are tauren :slight_smile:


I don’t like Vulpera. Panda Monks are cool; Panda anything else: meh.

Funniest reply I got from a Tauren complimenting their long beautiful blonde mane… “Thanks, my mom helped with the highlights.” :joy: