Why do most Tauren players NOT appreciate tauren?

I was unaware of that. Thank you.

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Theres a difference between being in the middle of a battle, fighting for survival, and acting on a plot with time to act


They probably think you are a creeper.

My toons get all kinda of creepy whispers, I ignore them.

Ppl on RP realms are used to this kinda of interaction .

Ppl on non Rp realms really aren’t.


Very odd. I heard you say “Best race” but then I didn’t hear you say Blood Elves, Void Elves, Night Elves or even Nightborne.

Then I heard you say “beautiful self”, well I guess I should go and get my hearing checked. Just so odd.


Maybe don’t whisper them and instead, compliment them in /say? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I love my big ol’ Tauren druid. I rolled him to play with my son when he was 9, on his Tauren hunter. Good times! We did a little arena (DK/Resto) and I did some LFR with him as Guardian/Resto. Fun times.

He’s mostly retired now. Always loved the way they run. Mostly because of the size.

I have a High Mountain Shaman. Created at the end of Legion and used her to do the Horde side of BfA. Love the moose antlers. :slight_smile:

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The only good tauren is a dead tauren.

They make even better hamburgers and steaks.

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Interestingly they also make the best warriors and death knights - when they get angry and start using that size offensively, they are pretty damn scary. The original vanilla cinematic had a Tauren healing the land, and then smashing things with a totem, it was epic!

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Leaders don’t really mean much, even as a figure head. You could yell and scream until you were blue in the face that this character is the faction leader, but that doesn’t really make it so. What will they do if you defy them? Nothing. what will happen if you say… Idunno, Bob the Tauren is the leader of all the tauren? Nothing.

The whole “this character who happens to be this race speaks for the entire race” thing is old, outdated and dumb. And characters of this race are expected to just be okay with it, the only exception being “hey, on slyvannas you get a choice!”

It’s /moo from the Horde or /spit from the Alliance. Either side deserves a good “force choke” for their free range rudeness.

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Screw you, Pandaren are an epic race.

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Don’t make me want to finish the job the demon-infused Horde started.

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Tauren are awesome.
Tauren Pride.


Next time you’re at a gas station, lean over the counter and whisper “Hey, I like what you’ve done with the Altoids” and walk away.


I can’t say what it truly think of you in here without getting a ban, put it that, i greatly despise people like you, OP.
Ironic or not, i don’t care.

Any hate you get ingame isn’t enough.

To those uninformed, OP is someone who gets aroused by wow characters.

Hate is not cool, man.

I think the OP should get off the forums as well, they said some inappropriate things. I don’t hate them just cos they have some kinks though.

I bet you have some kinks too (don’t tell me, that wasn’t a question!)


I appreciate Tauren just fine. I just don’t appreciate being randomly whispered to by pandas.

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Who said this was about any of what ya’ll are saying? Noo noo, i don’t message them those things! I simply tell them they’re good looking!

I never use such vulgar language, here or ingame.

My forsaken fury warrior on A52 sez, “Good name choice.” (He is Malmsteem, and he loves him some dual axes.)

Patch 9.1 super duper official patch notes.
100% real and datamined

Allied Races:
Yaungol and Taunka allied races added.

New Faction: Hoof-lords
Highmountain Tauren

New Weapon Class
Totem Pole

New Hero Classes

Racial Changes
Warstomp is now a 1.5 minute stun with a 1/2 second cooldown. This reflects a typo present in Warcrafts alpha build that somehow made it to live and existed for 16 years.

Cultivation changed to allow herb nodes to be looted twice, and now just deposits gold into your bag instead of herbs, for convenience.

All doors that are too small for you to get through on a mount will now allow access with a “smash” graphic similar to a shaman’s earthquake spell animation and a corresponding impact sound.