Ishs does “The Creep” by Lonely Island
Why do birds fly? Why do fish swim? Why does every gaming forum have this topic posted once every few months?
These are the great mysteries of our world.
I find it weird that you even care.
Edit: I play female characters just because they usually look cooler and have better mog options. A male void elf would look boring as hell in this mog.
role playing?
Been doing since maybe 1980 in table top RPGs…why would we stop now?
riiiight…because it’d be much less disturbing to see the world is made up of 95% males
you…do…you…and thats fine. Dont judge others for doing what they like to do.
40 years of gaming and did it all the time.
where do all of Kahless’s shirts go? is seeing orc nipples on the forum against the tos?
I don’t believe that. I read somewhere that 25-30% of wow players are female. Which seems way to high anyway… I always assume everyone i talk to in ANY game is a guy.
Because you’ve grown in a sexist society where women playing male characters is acceptable but the contrary is taboo.
Now you have a choice - you can decide not to conform to the sexist ideology that penetrates the subconscious minds of innocent people like you or you can keep living life like this and continue feeling weird about things that aren’t weird from a scientific, psychological and objective point of view.
and then theres that, lol.
I’ve had a few people think it weird that I’ll roleplay characters of different genders and sexual orientations including in tabletop games.
Though at this point as far as regular gameplay in WoW goes I have characters of both male and female. I just let people think whatever they want. I can’t be bothered to correct them.
He’s silenced, some of his threads are getting deleted and his last reply was 20 mins ago.
Do tell me why this makes you angry.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying the art that is the female body.
Better looking armors.
For me, female orcs looks better than male orcs.
Female zandalari troll looks better than malee…In this case, male zandalar looks stronger and badass but…believe me, they are strange while fighting…
Female darkspear trolls are faaaarr better than male ones…
AND, i don’t want to look at male butts and beards…i like to see some curves and boobs =p
And… you are? And… why would I care.
On todays episode of dragon forum z: A question thats been asked a bajillion times gets asked again! How many reaction shots will Tien, Piccolo, Krillin, and Vegeta go through before they realize they’ve seen it all before?
ive always pondered why people say they looking at female butts when they play orcs or tauren or worgen or goblins or dwarves or undead…i mean to each their own
i also wonder why there arent threads that ask such deep meaningful questions like why do people play cows or zombies or doggos?
why do people play paladins when we know that people are not noble?
why arent there more kul tirans ? since that would represent the physique of most gamers… just less muscles and bigger cheeto bellies
why cant we just play tiny little kitty cats without having to be druids?
why did i name my cat Lucy Fur?
Try being a GM. Sitting behind the screen. Playing the flirtatious female barmaid who is actually an assassin, the burly male dwarf barkeep, and the bouncer that its probably best you don’t ask what their gender is. Trust me, you do not want to know. You’ll sleep better tonight!
Sorry, I am fine if you are RPing it. But when some guy I know starts randomly flirting with me thru emotes on their female character, I just shake my head. I am not an RP server, so I know you guys have a different point of view on RP ones.
I’ve been GMing for years and I still feel weird when I have to have a conversation with myself as two different people.