It’s usually men embarrassed about it and not brave enough to publicly recognize they simply like to play with female characters. And I don’t blame them - it’s the people who point at them, mock them and try to paint this as if it were abnormal who are to blame.
but i believe someone who might appreciate honesty above many other things may have a natural instinct that it’s unsure or deceptive, but it’s not their problem. though i’m just saying how i think the attitude comes about.
Can honestly vouch for knowing ppl who troll WoW for a “hookup” b/c of the amnt of times I’ve been hit on…and this just from them gawking at my female characters…As a rule generally have my mic muted unless I’m in a discord of ppl I know, but sometimes have to unmute it for a call out dispell or something in game…that’s always an interesting event.
I think the problem is being confident in ones own sexuality.
When we’re young most feel unsure…which is why the gay jokes evoke such extreme reactions from us.
people who have confidence in who they are, regardless of what they are, dont feel the need to be bothered by what others might think about them.
And here I thought my players were crazy. Now I’m jonesing for a good tabletop rpg again. May have to form my own. Assuming I can find people who have a twisted sense of humor.
“I will leap up and over the enemies, so that I can land in their midst and wreck havoc!”
GM: “Ok … should be easy. You’re agile and burly enough to pull such a stunt off. Make your check.”
PLAYER: Critically fails.
GM: “Perfect run, perfect jump … and you forgot about the ceiling about eight feet up. Whack, splat, you landed in their midst. Stunned, on the ground.”
GM: “The Lemmings show up, holding score cards, 2.0, 7.0, 10.0. Dam Russian Judge!”
Yes, that was a scene in one of my crazier games. I figured that since he failed, the scene could use some brief levity. The Lemmings became a running joke after that.
Sounds fun, if you don’t mind doing it online I’ll be more than happy to join. Maybe I could finally play my goblin sorc with the angelic bloodline! Been wanting to play that character for a long time now.
that player was way too serious and literal, lol. He was the rules lawyer that drives you nuts and make GMing really hard when you know the written letter of the rules conflict with what SHOULD happen. HOURS wasted every game ‘day’ (we’d run for almost an entire 24 hour span) arguing with this guy, lol.
We were running my homemade zombie system a couple years ago. Critical failures were very common for comedic reasons.
One player made like 8 crits in a row.
It was horrible. Body parts and broken helicoptor blades everywhere with him left hanging from his pant leg by a nail dangling inches out of reach of flesh eating zombies
I find it weird that you find it weird. This character is just my visual interface to the world, it doesn’t say anything about me other than that I’d rather look at a moderately attractive female than a roided out male. I switch on gnomes because I find the males highly comical and the females creepy.
It’s honestly more foreign to me that some people take their actual gender into account when creating a character. You don’t need to do that, like, at all.