Why do Men Play Female Characters?

Because it’s their 15$ a month.

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How do you pronounce your name I asked once before and never got a reply

Is it Ken-yuh or Kwen-yuh

Omg lol this is so true. I only figured out how annoying this is when I started healing, and even when I told them to move in capital letters they just stood their making me heal them while the tank is struggling to move himself.

It does make fire and elevator bosses harder. :confused:

Why do you keep making threads that are just rehashes of rehashes?

Why are puppies so cute?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

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But it makes them easier? It’s easier to see a ground effect with a smaller model.

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Why do human players play non-human races, like worgen, vulpera, pandas, and trolls?

Oh, and tauren, both original flavor and moose flavor.

/moo :cow:


Congratulations! :tada::tada::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon:


I respect your opinion. I personally do not see the appeal.


But apparently we’re distracted or so it’s being assumed. :smiley:

That’s fair. We all got different likings

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Melee are guys and casters are girls.

You really gonna do that to your male character and put them in a dress? Wtf man?


I’d love to see where you found this to be an actual fact.



Lara Croft would like a word, sir.

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It’s back… at least it was a week with much less trolling.


If I gotta stare at my toon’s butt all day … it better be enjoyable. That said … I’m about fifty fifty on gender for my toons.

Of course I’m commenting on an obvious troll thread from an obvious troll. Not you, Leelinn, the OP.

Are you claiming to not be a Tauren in real life? You’re an Orc aren’t you?


I’m gonna throw that “wtf man” right back at you. There is a difference between a ROBE and a DRESS. Also, men can where dresses if they want, women can where tons of awesome armor if they want.


so female gnome/goblin/vulpera is maximum efficiency , i often wonder how tauren players can live getting stuck in every door :thinking:

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Vanilla noob already has like 20 threads total up today in the last 24 hours. keep doing what your doing my friend.

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Are you saying that a Blood Elf man couldn’t pull off a dress?

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