Why do I have to pay for a viable realm?

You don’t?

Back in the day, like Cataclysm, I’d roll low lvl alts and check out the health/population of realms, before settling. And that was because my home realm is/was Illidan, a known Horde PvP cesspit lol.

These days, everything is cross-realm, it doesn’t even matter anymore lol.

Nobody is putting a gun to your head, and forcing you to pay for anything, except maybe the initial fee to play the game lol.

Where are you getting pop data from?

While it may suck if you have a main you are attached to, you could just reroll on a new server. Now is probably the best time to level an alt via mop remix. Choose a new server, create a character and choose timerunning. You can get one to 70 in a matter of hours. They will be locked to remix until the event ends, but if you decide one day you do want to get back into retail, you’ll have them ready to go.

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Could just level a new character on a new realm, or make one on Remix. With warbands you’ll have access to pretty much anything you could want.

For me personally I look at my server’s Raider IO rankings as an indicator (though that’s not an exact science by any means). Most seasons it’s pretty easy for me to reach top 5 DKs and #1 Frost DK for my server with minimal effort and a score that’s average at best, so I think it’s safe to say that my server cluster or whatever you want to call it has a pretty low population.

Because this is World of Warcraft and they know you’ll pay it.
I also know you’ll pay it.

Well, I’m not attached to retail. I’m only subbed for SoD. I was going to check retail out and see if I’d be interested in the expansion. But I don’t want to bother because I’m on a dead server.

That said, others have commented how cross realm guilds will help that. So we’ll see. I won’t be paying for a transfer tho.

Anyways. You’ll pay it.

We’re weeks away from one of the last reasons for your server to even be relevant when cross server guilds come to pass. They already are all but irrelevant since communities stand in for them and things in instances can be traded cross server and faction…let alone people able to group up and run content with anyone on the region already.

Even if some obscure niche world where you felt beholden to join some sociopathic-led guild who demands everyone be on the same server to satiate their need to control people, leveling takes mere hours.

So the notion that one is “forced” to pay for a “viable” realm is an utter joke from multiple angles.

I haven’t for years. I’ve considered coming back time and time again. Then I’m reminded my server is dead and I quit. What’s it like being wrong and unable to admit it.

inb4 you just repeat it again cause you have no rebuttal kek

It honestly doesn’t matter. I too, dead server. I raid in a guild on a different server, soon I can join their guild without having to transfer.

With LFG I can easily find M+ groups or pug raids without having to transfer

The AH went region wide, that made it easy to get supplies.

Honestly less and less it matters what server you’re on.

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Yeah I’m starting to realize that via the comments in this thread. It sounds like no one talks in general on full servers anyway. Retail culture is a bit different. Maybe I’ll give it a go when guilds are xserver.

That is correct. I have characters on high pop Area-52 and Proudmoore. It’s just spam. No general chats anymore. Ever since the whole new guidelines for what you can and cannot say, most people just gave up talking unless it’s to guildies. And most guildies just hangout out of game in Discord


Oceanic still has plenty of trolls in general and trade chat discussing things that would get you actioned on US realms
But it would be a bit silly to transfer to oce just for the chatter.

As others have mentioned, most socialising is done through discord; ingame chat (even guild chat) is pretty minimal.

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Most guilds of worth aren’t talking 24/7 either. People are actually doing things and hit up people if/when they are needed.

In fact, it’s every bit as likely you’ll be labeled an outsider unless/until you prove yourself capable as a player in whatever capacity and then you’ll be messaged privately to do content. I’m in a few of those generic spam guilds and cries of the plebs for actual help (like be carried in keys or taken to raids) fall on deaf ears.

Sounds pretty dismal.

my sever often shows high or full yet there is very little chat in general or trade . most talk on discord now with their guilds or communities . I have never used general for chatting in all my 14 plus years of playing . if i want to talk i talk to my wife /kids/friends - I am in the game to play , if I am typing in game , I am not pressing buttons to play.

This guy probably thinks. My house is too small. Man, why to I have to pay for a bigger house. Why doesn’t someone just give it to me for free. /kicksdirt.

I really would like to know what the player count is in WoW. It seems like an odd decision to make if things are going really well…hah.

I promise you they couldn’t care less that you aren’t paying, others are so you become a non issue. Well you’ve always been a non issue since you’re one versus many who do pay for the transfers