Why do I have to pay for a viable realm?

I play Proudmoore on all of my characters but due to friends and stuff I spend most of my time playing on Moon Guard or Thorium Brotherhood and I tend to prefer it because Proudmoore has way too many people.

So a much bigger server isn’t always better like better it’s all in personal perspective.


This is the correct answer. While I was leveling and old forgotten character this past week there was some banter going back and forth in trade, nothing really offensive, no swearing, racial slurs, none of that type of stuff.

About ten minutes later one of the guys in chat messaged me telling me he got 4 notifications about how he had been reported.

Banter in chat died with censorship, Blizz is now very aggressive with what they feel is proper, so people talk elsewhere, if they are smart.

Idk how people can view $25 as expensive.

Please don’t get a real hobby.

Eh, I’d just go with the classic of “just start up a new character”.

I have done it so many times on different realms and it ain’t even remotely bad to do so. Which, well, means that if one want the exact same character you can pay $25 (which I have done before) or I just make a new character (which is what I more commonly do).

I ran leveling is super easy true.

I’m just not understanding how people think $25 is a lot.

I also have spent $600 on fairings and $5000 on suspension mods lol

Eh, I mean I think it is a lot but… not in a vacuum. Like it is only a lot under the expectation that you keep using it. To use it every now and then because … guild moved, wanting to keep a character around, etc.
In those situations … just pay it? I think people think of it as more than just a one time purchase or a bundle as one can get 'em now, and just think of it from that perspective.

A bit of human psychology I mean. Because a $25 one time purchase isn’t a lot, but a lot of people think of games as either having to be free or that we “keep paying for them” which in WoW’s case… I mean sure, we do. But we enter the game knowing that it is a live service game so… eh?
Folks are weird. Human psychology is weird. Money is weird. Weirds are a creature type from Magic the Gathering and they are weird.

Unfortunately many people do pay which is why they continue to charge. It’s the short-term benefit of keeping quarterly results propped up with people fleeing these places (which are abundant in number) to the detriment of bringing back and retaining players who are the real lifeblood of this game.

IMO they should offer a welcome back special for any returning player who hasn’t subscribed/played for 3-4 years, 1 free character realm xfer + 75% off character realm xfers for the next 60 days after paying for sub time again.

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Help me out here,

you can join any guild on any server and trade with people inside instances, use the guild work orders as long as you’re in the guild, what, if anything, are we missing by not being on the same server as somebody these days?

Even with cross-realm guilds coming, it’s still important to play on a server with a healthy crafting community.

guild work orders do work cross realm tho

You know you can just…level another character on a different server, right?

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A full game is $60, you’re paying a lot for something you can do for free via rerolling, even more so with Warbands coming. Context matters.

And depending on your country, $25 is a lot of money.
WoW sub is around $8 over here, not $15.

You act like $60 is a lot of money. There isn’t any context where $25 is a ton of money.

I feel like some people have never had an expensive hobby. I have. $25 is nothing.

No it’s not a lot of money unless you work a dead end job.

The big issue with you all saying to OP just make a new toon on another realm…its all the gold and mats they have collected on the dead realm is lost to them unless they can pick another realm that is connected and then transfer it over…its damn hard to lose large amounts of gold and mats cause they can’t afford too pay a transfer fee which is $25 per toon they want to move.

Don’t see it happening. The only time I have seen free transfers (participated in one eons ago) is when a server becomes too overcrowded and they need to bleed off some of the population. The solution for low population servers are mergers. Not sure how much the new stuff in TWW will help solo life but hooking up with guilds for group stuff should be doable.

Leveling a new character is really fast, even more with remix, or timewalking when remix goes away. If there’s a time to level a new character for bigger realms, here’s the time. And with warband coming, there’s absolutely no reason to transfer.

Warbands will have a connected bank, so if i’m understanding it correctly, as long as you are talking things that aren’t soulbound, you can just drop your stuff you want your other character to have and BOOM, free cross realm mail to yourself. so to speak.

it’s about the professions bro, you’re not gonna get anything crafted on a dead realm