Why do I have to pay for a viable realm?

Every now and then I get the idea I want to try retail again, then I become reminded how I’m on a dead server and no one is around. I look to see if Blizzard has started sensibly offering free transfers only to be met with a $25 tag. Why would they force me to pay for a reason to play the game. I’m already paying a subscription. Why not let dead server people transfer to not dead servers so they might actually want to play the game?


Small tangent question: how are you deciding which server you want to transfer to? What data/experiences are you using to decide your server is dead and another isn’t?

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Can always just start a new character on whatever server you want to play on. Check it out. Maybe in the future, pull over your old character. Or not. Especially with Warband Account Wide features coming soon.


Just make new characters on a server of your choosing, I ditched all my characters on this server and made new ones elsewhere.

If you roll characters in MoP remix it won’t take long to level them.


Servers hardly even matter anymore anyways.

If you’re just now returning to the game, somehow I doubt you’re jumping right into Mythic raiding.


With guilds becoming cross server with prepatch, it shouldn’t matter what server you’re on. Just make new characters on the server you’re wanting to transfer to and find a guild, then have them invite your toons on the “dead” server.


I would just go to a server that’s listed as high instead of low. But I’d always heard Area 52 is the way to go. I don’t mind launch queues if it means I don’t have to exist in a ghost town with npcs walking around everywhere to pretend it away.

Well it’s not just guild finding issue, it’s the fact that no one talks in general. There’s nothing going on in any of the channels. The game feels empty because of this. Good to hear they’re breaking down some walls for guilds like this tho. All the more reason to stop charging for transfers then, and gimping their game. If realms really “don’t matter”, then free transfers shouldn’t matter either. And standing against them wouldn’t make sense.

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I’m so glad this is finally happening, I’m just going to consolidate my 4 guilds into 1 big one lol

… cuz you chose to be on that server?

Nobody likes spending money but don’t be mad at blizzard because they let you make a choice lol

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Yeah in vanilla. It wasn’t dead then. Look, they can do what they want, but I’m not playing retail because it feels like a dead world. I’m probably not the only one. Telling me I have to pay $25 to play on a viable server is their prerogative. I just won’t be playing. So here’s a tip to them. If they want more retail subscribers, that will probably pay hundreds in subs, get rid of the pay wall in order to get off dead servers.

I hope this clears your doubt:

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FFS, make a remix toon on the server of your choice. Bam, no more issues when WW comes out.

No, I want to keep my rank 14 cosmetics. How about Blizzard just opens up transfers off dead realms, what’s the problem? How on earth could you be against this?

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Are they?

It’s not on this list.

You will still have your dresses and other cosmetics.

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Retail unlike classic has spent time and effort to cross realm a lot.

Basically at this point the only vital server only feature I recall is mythic raid. If that changed…well that would be change I missed.

Also based on classic experience…they’d monkey paw this. Free does not mean good. In the wrath freebies we had less than ideal choices. Places like Illidan, A52 and other populated centers may not be on that list. Classic got to to go freshies or say old blanchy.

By now cata…most of those less than ideal choices are actually on the soon to be killed list too.

Well if it’s so irrelevant now, it’s all the more reason to stop nickle and diming people on dead realms. I want to see chat in general chats. The world feels dead without it. I don’t want to reroll a new toon. They can do what they want. I’m just explaining why I won’t be buying the expansion or playing retail right now like I intended to try. They wanna lose money overall, that’s their prerogative.

Aggressive server mergers are long overdue, but after the last realm connections were a disaster, they haven’t done any more.


you realize cross realm guilds are coming with this new expac right ?

Idk how anyone can take someone like the OP seriously. Just makes me laugh