Why do I have to pay for a viable realm?

Because cross realm guilds are about to be a thing?

you can make a new toon on any realm.

I had no connection to my starting realm when I came back in Legion. All of my toons were level squished, guilds were dead, and the server had fallen off in popularity.

I did not “have to pay for a viable realm” I just rolled characters on one and leveled them.

With more cross realm features and cross faction features server choice is becoming more and more meaningless anyhow. Either level on a new server or just wait for more cross realm action to open up. You do not have to pay Blizzard anything beyond your sub fee and I would advise against doing so anyhow.

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A free suggestion would be to make a character on another busy server in the Remix and barrel it up to the 70. If and when they do something to improve your current low pop server character, you can always go back to it.

Would be weird to be retiring guild services if they weren’t.

I haven’t seen any info that they’ve changed their mind on the subject.

What are you trying to preserve that you won’t have on a new character, or even can’t easily gain again?

Well Chuck, I am on a “Full Server” and no one talks in General either, even tho, there are 1000’s of lil ants running all over town. The only chat you see is the same few people spamming for selling mythic runs. So…


Someone mentioned that earlier. That’s great news. Tho it doesn’t fix why I hate being on a dead realm. No one talks. No one around. Isolating desolate feel. Plus no mythic groups.

Hmm, well maybe I’m not missing out then. Could just be retail culture. Oh well.

You just described every server. It’s not 2008 any more.


Communities are cross-realm, and guilds are about to be too. The only downside to low population realms now is that it can sometimes be difficult to find a crafter.

damn𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶𝅶 𝅶𝅶

Just make a new character, is free.

Do I get to keep my rank 13 cosmetics and title? If not, not interested. I’ve always just played the same character and liked racking up stuff like that.

Sounds like no one talks even on full servers tho. Unless people are making things up. So not much point in a transfer I guess.

don’t say you don’t have options.
You just want it for free.

General chat can be pretty dead in the zones, trade chat is just people spamming their professions looking for work, and services (/4) is just people selling carries.

If you want community in-game now, most people just stick with their guilds.

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I just paid the 25 bucks for my vanilla PVP titles on a different server.

There is literally no other reason for an xfer I can think of. Are those titles the only thing holding you back from playing on another server?

They need to make titles account wide.

And I really hope with cross-realm guilds coming that it means they’ll open up crafting cross-realm as well. Would be kind of silly to allow us to have a cross-realm guild, but not be able to help out and craft for our guildies due to realm restrictions.


AFAIK all titles will be made account wide with 11.0

Check out the official Warbands preview. It talks about everything that’s going account wide.

If not public work orders, maybe guild ones?

when pops below 5k its dead. as 98% time you wont see more then 100-300 players in a city. there actual servers left where there is less then 300 active pop i know a few as i used to use them for rare hunting.