Yes. They want you to cancel rather than admit they screwed up.
Sure I’ll transfer when blizzard admits they screwed up
I’m not the one who released 4 NA servers at launch
Yes. They want you to cancel rather than admit they screwed up.
Sure I’ll transfer when blizzard admits they screwed up
I’m not the one who released 4 NA servers at launch
It would not be dead if the horde moved there, it is only dead because you are not moving there.
your punishing yourself? I dont get it…
blizzard does not GAF what you do…
and they have already stated that they misjudged launch population…
Are you this dense. Do you not understand that my problem is not queue, but the limited population in game. I have no problem with having to wait 4 hours to get inside the game, but i do have a problem when i cant play with more than 5k players on a single server. I want 20k and ill be happy. I hate dead low pop realms. I play on the most populated realm on purpose, as thats the only real alive realm i feel.
They should also bring the realm populations back to Vanilla and let people sut in queue.
My friend on whitemane always memes me about playing on a dead server (smolderweb). I think the queues have permanently stunted his brain.
Layers absolutely effected queues. It is not even debatable. It actually happened.
No one like layers either. It’s one or the other sadly.
Ad Hominem doesn’t strengthen your arguments…
There is a reason the populations are where they are probably server capacity, resources, or even Classic engine issues with players mobs ai in game!
All said no matter how much the cap is one cannot determine or control who and when they log in and what they are doing.
You are in a virtual world much like the real one, you can do whatever you want but you cannot force others to do so also.
Sounds like WoW Classic is not the service for you.
Hate to say I told ya so… but…
Imagine being warned for months about queues and removing layers will make queues worse/come back. While also given options to move to avoid queues, ignoring both, and then coming to the forums to complain. Just imagine.
Lv120 on classic forum + 1 post + crying or quiting = Troll
Its mathematical.
First of all they had a post saying Layers were going away. 2nd you had alot of people much like yourself that cant read the Entire patch notes and so they logged on thinking world pvp was starting yesterday and its actually Thursday. Plus its Tuesday so its the big RAID day so its busy to start with. Its not like they havent given those high pop servers about 5000 chances to transfer off of those to less populated servers. I myself was initially going to roll on Herod but after about 4 days of massive queues I saw that it was going to be a continuing issue after they removed layers. It is not Blizzards problem that you joined a server that they said was overpopulated even before the game released and they gave ample warning and suggestions to reroll on other servers. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. Learn to drink.
The problem is that people did not pay attention to the constant warnings that certain servers are over populated and queue times would be excessive come phase 2. Blame your self for not heeding the warnings.
However farming materials for consumables is critical now. There are a set number of node locations and spawn rates for them.
If a server has the same amount of nodes, but 3-5x the population, the economy and gameplay will be severely effected. What are possible solutions? Faster node spawns, more nodes?
How would this impact world events like opening the AQ gates? It wouldn’t even be a few hours to participate, the mats would be so abundant.
These types of changes will further impact gameplay. What’s to stop me from standing on the same node and farming it all day for crystals? Or having 3-5x the Black Lotus spawn points, why wouldn’t I work with a few guildies to hold the path down and rapidly farm these? This could very likely impact the economy on the server for everyone, regardless of level.
If mob spawns are 3-5x the rate, why would you ever do a quest? Just farm one spot through all the levels of a zone and move to the next, it would be better exp and gph.
Changes like this would impact the RPG element massively. The game is designed around 3k, and they’ve already worked on trying to increase it. There is only so much additional resources that can be added to a server before it noticeably deteriorates quality of play and the server economy.
This is probably my favorite game to play on the Forums. It’s called “Blizzard is always wrong”.
People suspected that layering was introducing more resources into the game than normal, thereby irreversibly destroying the economy of the servers. Some people even made threads demanding fresh never-layered servers.
Now, we have people demanding that removing layering is going to limit the resources of the game and destroy the economy of the servers.
I love these forums so much.
I’m not sure if you think this is what I meant, or if others are commenting this.
Just to confirm, I am stating that servers would be negatively impacted by removal of the queue now that layers are gone. Layering should have never been a feature and servers should have been population capped from day 1 imo.
its not, i want the private server experience of classic wow. Too bad they shut it down because those were the best times.