Why do i have a queue again

I need to stop coming to this forum.

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I have zero sympathy for anyone with a queue. If anything, y’all should be happy, y’all are now, finally, getting an honest vanilla experience. : D

I remember back in Vanilla, on Skullcrusher, we had daily queues in excess of 2-4 hours for more than a year.

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Every raid night on Manno, it was like clockwork. Better get on early or you weren’t raiding.

i miss northdale with 14k population.

Blizzard always ruins their own game by doing stupid shlt like this

It was as sure as there was gonna be morning and afternoon rush hour to and from work.

Launch had everyone starting at level 1 at the same time. Most people are already 60 and are looking to attend raids and guild events. Respawn rates are not an issue.

“at the time”

Times Change

No an a viable option for most people with a job

they never claimed nor promised you megaservers.


If you want high server caps go play on private servers, that’s not classic. They’re not changing it, it’s been stated.


Blizzard change their mind all the times. Classic is evidence of that. Blizzard said they would not do it, then changed their mind.

We wanted vanilla, megaservers with 14k pops were never vanilla and were never going to be a thing or they would have just had 4 servers, PVE, PVP, RP, RPVP

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Can’t be mad at the Que, when you were warned about it. You were warned about Ques. You were to be prepared for a Que. Now, the Ques have arrived, you still complain that you have to go through a Que, when you were explicitly warned/told you were going to be in a Que?

Doesn’t mean they’re going to, all of sudden, change a bunch things around in Classic. Unless, they really want to lose their player base, again.


i dont want classic omfg, i just want q mega server option

Then go play private

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The only options are take the move, sit in queue or quit. People have been told for MONTHS this would happen and should have expected as such.

Just think if people were willing to move to those “dead” servers they would no longer be dead but nope they would rather watch a queue screen for hours and hope others take the leap.


I purposely did not join a server that said HIGH population for this reason. Actions have consequences, you chose a High pop server, Blizzard told you layering would be removed. You still remained.

Blizzard gave you free transfers, you remained…

Now you gripe your’ server is to populated? This reminds me of that meme that said spoons make me fat!


I’m on Heartseeker. Lol what’s a queue?


Or, to flip that around:

Still trying to understand the logic of the people pro layering…

Person: Activision, why did you remove layers and condense server pops on non-layered servers? You told us you wouldn’t do this until the populations got low enough that it would be reasonable. We already lost people at launch who ended up scattered, because you didn’t want to launch more than seven PvP servers. Even the server we mostly moved to had hours long queues within a week.

Activision/Blizzard: Because layers were a temporary workaround. When we announced layering, we said in the same breath that it was as such and that we were going to work to have layering removed by Phase 2. We suspected that launch populations would significantly drop after launch, despite a loud minority raging at us to just launch as many servers as possible, and we were right. There were only a few servers out of all of Classic WoW that hadn’t quite dropped below a single layer, and we weren’t willing to wait any longer at the expense of the entire game’s release cycle.

Person: You do understand the queues are three and a half hours now right? You F’d our entire guild, because half of us aren’t going to be able to make raids now and it was difficult enough to get a good raid schedule going that worked for the most people.

Activision/Blizzard: We’ve literally been offering free transfers on high population servers for weeks… some for over a month. We tried the volunteer method, and there’s a bunch of stubborn people who refuse to help us balance the servers. Get mad at them. It’s time for layering to drop. Again, only a few servers out of the entirety of Classic WoW have queues at this point. You can still transfer… for FREE!

Person: I know, doesn’t mean you didn’t screw us.

Activision/Blizzard: Again, we’ve provided free transfers that would allow even your entire guild to easily transfer and have absolutely no queue time. It’s been on offer for weeks. You, yes you personally, are part of the problem. You chose this. We announced this intention months before Classic WoW even released. It is not a surprise. We’re not halting our release cycle for a few stubborn servers. Either wait it out, or transfer.


What is dumb is complaining about a que when they have free transfers, and have been telling people this was going to happen…

Its like blizzard tells the community something… and what? you didn’t believe them… they were bluffing that layers were about to go bye bye forever?

transfer or re-roll…

or cancel over something you did to yourself… that will reaaaaallly show them lol…


Because Blizzard can’t design servers than can handle all the people who want to play Classic.