well I’m tired of hearing about what is or isn’t “hard” retail isn’t hard either just because you have some dumb toggle that can crank the HP and damage levels 10,000%.
appeals that actually get approved are extremely rare and always have been the whole fascination with appeals has always just been HC haters trying to find a reason to hate.
I’m looking at, let’s see … twelve approved appeals in the last 6 days on the discord. And that’s not counting the ones in the griefing appeals channel.
Like I said, we’ll see. I suspect the number of people making it to 60 will drop dramatically on official. I hope to be one of them.
ok, and I bet all of them are DCs with video proof. so what is the issue?
basically, all getting rid of appeals will do is cause people with unstable internet to stop playing
That’s just sad.
Stock up now these are the people who will be playing on official. The forums will be on
(I see no reason to appeal, even for DC. You know what you signed up for by playing HC in an online game)
Lol. I almost feel bad for some of the people signing up for that. Imagine they sign up and then they are one of 10 people that have made it to 60 in the past month or two in that guild. Chances are there will be a dozen or so 60 guilds to choose from which will dwindle down to fewer guilds as time progresses.
A death is a death. Some are harder to swallow thatn others, but down they go.
SO much negativity over something that people are excited about!
Don’t worry, it’s going to be ok.
Truthfully it seems weird that this community you speak of wants to continue playing on an RP PVE server instead of adapting to the real deal, but ok.
listen, i’m an old, handicapped fart, in the lightning and hurricane capital of the world. and i’m gonna play hardcore. if i can do it, so can you.
It’s definitely doable. Someone with only one hand could probably do it pretty easily on a Mage, Hunter or Priest.
that be me. lol
I scratched that itch back in 2008 trying the Ironman challenge (Whites and Greys only, no buffs/consumes/enchants etc.). I made it to lvl 19 as a warrior, playing UD for the first time and took a wrong turn into the SM elites.
Have little desire to do it again, but I’ll probably be one of the people in the crowded lainch period that will inevitability go back to wotlk or cata or retail on the first death at 20-30+, and the servers will consolidate and there will be a few hundred HC players left after a month or two.
Guess I’ll take a moment to reflect why I quit SOM.
- TBC was in the spot light, and it was my first time revisiting it since original TBC, so that had my attention more than another vanilla go-round. Vanilla just ended, so having another vanilla right off the bat was a hard sell vs new TBC
- Changes were nice, but IMO they were timid and the dev team was afraid to ruffle feathers, so they were half-measures at best.
I really feel that SOM’s best chance of success would have been near the end of Wrath, which is likely when we’ll see SOM 2 or a few months into Cata since Cata is a population splitter. Which leads me to believe that SOM1 was nothing more than a test round to see how the player base feels about changes.
Of course, now we have Turtle WoW, which is a decent test case for how the population looks at changes to vanilla.
I’ll return to era or Turtle WoW. I was a bit surprised at just how uninterested I was in Wrath despite being so hyped for it. I did two runs of Ulduar after the slog of Naxx and I was like “Alright I got my dose, adios!”
no it wont. no need to appeal or hack the add-on when you can face roll content and never die.
The AH/Trading will only enhance the HC experience for most people, as it allows people to actually do quests that they can’t currently do, as well as do professions. While yes some people might choose to buy items off the AH, its hard to really see that as a big deal when people already purchase items from vendors, however thats up to them, and it certainly will have zero impact on mine or anyone else’s experience if someone else decides to twink, personally I expect it will have little impact on their surviving based on watching how people actually die.
So no Appeals is and was a far bigger problem then the AH would ever be, and any accomplishments on BSB are suspect due to many of the players having died. However in reality even the add-on didn’t eliminate trading since, one people simply turned it off so they could trade if they were 1-59, and if they were 60 they didn’t even have to turn it off as trading was allowed, enabling them to trade with even non HC players.
you have no idea what you’re talking about. you couldn’t just turn off the addon to trade stop listening to dumb streamers and form your own opinions.
It’s adorable that you believe appeals are HaRdCoRe.
How is it a smaller problem? The people who appealled actually died.
Oh agreed about the testing ground for changes although I don’t think that was the only reason it came out.
Most of the people who really were enjoying TBCC didn’t even start playing SOM. I raid-logged TBCC the whole time I played SoM. After I quit SOM I didn’t go back to doing much more in TBCC than raid-logging still because I didn’t feel like spending more time playing it.
Here is my list of the problems with (P1) SOM from an old post:
Oooo yeah. I forgot about this since I chose a good server off the bat (JG)