Why do I get the feeling HC is going to fizzle out faster than SOM?

Vanillataur I just wanted to say that your opinion of what you like is not wrong.

Axewipe clearly got bothered by your putdown of SoM because he’s probably the biggest fan of that WoW mode that exists, and for sure is on these forums. It all centers around raiding though and since you don’t care about that you aren’t even people who play for the same stuff.

I honestly hope the official hardcore servers allow you to have the most fun possible. Only just a little over one week now to go!


Are going up to give it a go too? :cow:

I might. I’ve been leveling this toon I post on and paying attention to the “bad spots”, so I can see myself trying at least.


HC really is going to be amazing. It’s the dawn of a brand new era of WoW :expressionless:


Beats getting the garden ready for winter…
Haha, yeah, I’m not getting off the hook there.


Thank you for this explanation … and I hope the same for you.

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i dunno about everybody else, but i’m so old i’m retired. got lots of free time. my choices are, watch tv/youtubes or play wow. so i do all 3 but dont have to do any of them. dobby is a free house elf.


another post with no clue how gold farmers work. The server economy will be a clusterfk and gold farming accounts will be the most efficient and safest levelers. In fact, without being able to grief them or pvp them, they will farm gold even more efficiently than on regular servers.

Bloodsail will still be the place to go since the add-on is community enforced. Bloodsail leveling was fun and the community rocked. Official HC will be a joke, filled with bots, twinks and a distinct lack of death spam. It wont be hardcore at all…its just a place for ego maniac streamers to run a few duels before they are off to make vids for the next microtransaction wunder mobile game.

I don’t know. People really overestimate how hard HC is. I still remember the lbrs clip from Road To Rag with the clicking hunter that was so terrible and bad sitting in melee range basically signing their party’s death warrant, that hunter also ended up being the sole survivor. For that reason it will be popular, anyone can do it really.

if you want “hard” you can go play your level 1000 mythic dungeons, void elf :expressionless:

Let’s be real, anyone staying on bloodsail after official launch is doing it so they can keep scamming appeals.


obviously only 1 in 10 can do it if it requires 9 others to die so one baddie can Feign death and live. that being said, official HC will be insanely easy - so easy perma-quits will far outnumber perma-deaths.

Unless add-on is integrated into official, HC official will die and the relatively stable HC community will just go back to Bloodsail. Scamming appeals is still a WAY SMALLER problem than having your entire HC experience be meaninglessly easy due to trading/AH.

So defensive. Wasn’t a jab at hardcore in any way just a general observation.

Maybe a few will. I still have 4 classes in the process of leveling SSF rules, so I’ll keep going on them till 60 or death. From what I’ve seen playing there, the majority of players don’t appeal. Another bonus to playing there is most of the obnoxious players will be on the official servers.

We’ll see soon enough. The official servers will make very clear just how common appeals & addon-hacking were, once they’re no longer available.


Why not go HC server AND use addon? It’ll be a win-win. No possibility of appeals, and you give the RPers their server back. What’s not to like here?


TinyViolin already eliminated the frauds known as HC Elite. We are saved.

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Honestly, I think it is a fad and will not last for very long. I doubt after 6-8 months they will even have enough to populate a server.