Don’t get me wrong. The HC community has been a really cool thing to see sprout up, but a part of me thinks this is going to fizzle super fast. I’m going to give my try to reach 60, just to say I did it.
Perhaps a single server can be sustained, but in the back of my mind I can’t help but think “Okay let’s get this over with so we can see if they’re ever going to give us F R E S H or Classic+”
Am I reading this wrong, or is the community absolutely stoked for HC?
IMO if it was retail HC it would do better, most players aren’t going to want to level through vanilla content with its slow pace
The current vanilla content consumers are the older generation who have jobs, family etc… they’re not about to spend countless hours every week just to level and then start over when a slight mishap happens
When they get to max level and run dungeons/raids the chance of dying increases, and with each raid/dungeon run they get more attached to their character. A special bond made where even if they get to transfer to a new server it won’t feel the same. They will want to level up again, but will they have the time? Is the sacrifice they have to put on their friends, family and other parts of their life worth it? Probably not
I do see a HC server thriving if it had 5x or higher leveling rates and maybe some pvp action, but in current conditions ehhh…
My WoW-friend group is pumped for it. We have classes planned for a 4-man group. Should be pretty safe! Going Horde, which none of us really played in Vanilla, so that will be new.
I’m very interested in how the economy will play out with everyone HC and no token. The gold farmers will be playing a much more dangerous game.
I don’t know about that. I’m not big into the hardcore thing but most of the people I’ve heard from who are doing it just enjoy the game.
You can really take your time in hardcore and play for as little as you want. As in you don’t have to sacrifice anything. If you get to level 25 in three months who really cares? It’s a personal journey thing.
For quite a few of the hardcore players end game isn’t the point at all.
I think the option of being able to free transfer off will encourage people too who would otherwise be concerned about the time wasted after they get attached to their character.
HC will melt faces with how long it lasts.
You know what I’ve been thinking about why so many people want HC to fail, and I’ve finally figured it out. It’s you PvPers you don’t want HC to succeed because if it does it means your little PvP minigame isn’t so important after all. Some of you can’t handle this for whatever reason.
Well that’s why. It’s because YOU don’t personally want Hardcore, YOU want it to fizzle out quickly so you can get onto whatever comes next. You are projecting YOUR feelings onto everyone else.
This is a very ageist comment. Needs to be checked at the door. People from all generations, family situations, and occupations play this game. To assume older people will just give up if they die is stereotyping, and to assume you know anything about anyone’s life except your own is just foolish.
I don’t know what it is about these forums but a number of people stick to their own stereotypes that they make up about groups of people, and on top of that they tend to hold onto these stereotypes too, repeating them over and over.
It’s actually amazing how much people think they know about strangers’ real lives, people who they’ve never even had real conversations with. Sometimes I bring this up on these forums and almost every time it gets ignored but the repeating ignorant comments from the same people remain.
I totally disagree with that guy, he can’t speak for people he doesn’t know.
As a member of the 50 over club…HC I’ve comed to like as its the only wow version I feel almost 100% control in the fate of my char lol.
Retail and wrath…one can git gud. And then up to 4 to 119 other people can jsut make things go sour. HC its jsut me. as yes its less group run. It has some allure there.
HC I own my deaths. That is fine. its wth losses in say wrath BG I will not own. I will not own others ghost cap screw ups. But they affect me all the same.
At least in HC my progress does not rely nearly as much on others.
Hey, if it’s 3 months fun provided, then it’s 3 month fun received. ain’t gonna complain nowadays…
tho i do agree they should spend more time on SoM2 contents
Difference between thinking you want something…and then knowing you do. Many people think they want HC but they actually dont. I promise you HC is going to be jam packed when it first launches but will die out super quick once people find out that it’s not all it is cracked up to be. You D/C and are level 59, log back in dead? You die from a pathing glitch catching you or die from the rare glitch of certain ranged attacked following you nearly across the zone and then tagging all other NPCs in its path? Any death for any reason is irreversible. And once you die you can never come back no matter what. Not with a ticket and not by threatening to unsub like I’m sure many here are going to do.
I will play HC 100% but what I REALLY want is another SOM.