Why do I get the feeling HC is going to fizzle out faster than SOM?

HC has always been a niche, and it’s unlikely to change, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be successful.

The FOTM players who expect to jump on the HC server, make it to 60, then go raiding with the idea that Classic raids are “easy” I think will be in for a bit of a shock. They will soon find not only is getting to 60 harder, they will also find that they have to be better geared to get raid spots, and that really there are no Easy Raids, when dying is actually a possibility.

Its hard to say how big the server(s) will end up eventually, the interesting thing though is in someways HC solves the end game problem where people cap out with gear, and quit playing the game, as people will die and restart. This should keep the server more active, even if it ends up with a smaller population then a typical ERA server where most people raid log and sit around in one of the capital cities.

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You say that like it’s a bad thing.

I can’t get enough of the people on Bloodsail recruiting for HC Official guilds that they swear will be focused on raiding. Chase those dreams, buds.

… and too fast levelling - that was what ruined it for me - I was rather hyped because of the SoI buff, but it was so clear from the game that levelling was just a tedious chore to be done with to reach the end game, and that’s not how I tick.

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It’d be really cool if transferring a character who hit max level on a HC realm to a multi-life realm gave you a unique title.

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It was something like 15% faster leveling at launch, assuming questing. For a season that lasted maybe 10 months, compared to 2 years for classic.

Also: no dungeon spam. No dungeon boosting alts, either. A committed dungeon spam group could level faster on Era than you could via questing in SoM.

It’s a non issue. You’re just looking for reasons to hate on it.


You’re omitting the fact that the fall off in characters occurred after the announcement of official. Why would players keep leveling on Bloodsail when a fresh HC server is just a couple of weeks away.

I’m hoping so. It could be a decent place to play when the locusts who are just there for something to do until the next best thing head on to new fields to devour.


Even most the HC streamers are doing fun little gimmick characters to fill their time. There’s zero reason to roll a serious character on BB now when we’re what, 9 days out from official?

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Nope, I really tried liking it, I am an open-world leveller. Sometimes I tank a Dungen, if it’s really necessary, for my guild, but I do not like it. I was totally positive what with the soul of Iron buff and a new start - I have been playing a No-Death challenge since 2012. but that faster levelling really killed the fun for me.
I think I made it to level 20 on two characters before quitting, and I did not even bother transferring them to Era or Wrath, they’re gone now.

This I do not understand. Why should I try andd find a reason to hate on it?

Yeah dude, you’re coping.

i think it’ll be hilarious just watching people die

that’s pretty much why i’m excited.

tinyviolin situations are going to occur and i’ll be ready with the popcorn

Coping with what exactly? and hating for which reason? Please tell. I had no problems, I just left for Era and my normal slow levelling.
… I rather think it’s you trying to cope with me not liking the same as you.


It’s going to fizzle out, because the fake HC players won’t be able to appeal.


I lost all my char names in SOM when this happened, hah I was not amused and stopped. :rofl:

My pvp realm actually became pve or was it the other way around? Oh well, I do understand your reasoning, but I prefer to sit in a queue than having lots of realms that are then empty. LA has never recovered from this either, they only have the community for 1-2 realms, yet they did open 24. :face_with_monocle:

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Because Classic is crap and HC is a fallacy.

Because griefers will grief and there’s no way it will be reliably enforced.

yes the only real fault of SoM was phase 1 PvP stuff. everything else was great :expressionless: and I still stand by that the only reason it was “unpopular” is because when it launched most people were burned out from 2 years of binging classic vanilla.

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Leveling was not at all too fast. give me a break :expressionless: that said, I have no problems taking all exp boosts out of SoM2.

Actually, I think I know what might have happened to you. Because the exp boost was done on quests, it might have seemed like a really insane boost at low levels. But once you got to 10+ it really wasn’t that significant.

Too fast imo as well, but that was necessary to fit the supposed one year cadence. It was focused more on end game than the OG was, which is fine for a season server. I didn’t find it enjoyable because of the speed and the focus wasn’t much different than what we already have. Players rushing to endgame. :yawning_face:
Glad they are putting out something different with the addition of supported hardcore.

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Might have been this, yes. I level mainly Questing and exploring. It felt like I was pulled along, I felt hurried - and I do not like this - plus I realized that even with the XP buff I would not make it to max level within the year. Too many other things were happening, or going to happen. But I left with no regrets having tried the buff - hoping for a return of it in “Normal” Classic, which is now actually going to happen with the HC servers :slight_smile: And no hurry there.

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