A proper SOM. Not one that comes out when everyone is trying to play TBC.
With ballsy changes, not a couple half measures here and there.
SOM was doomed from the start. Only Blizzard could make all those missteps.
A proper SOM. Not one that comes out when everyone is trying to play TBC.
With ballsy changes, not a couple half measures here and there.
SOM was doomed from the start. Only Blizzard could make all those missteps.
SoM was dope. Everyone who hates on it is just coping because they missed it.
“Wahhhhh I was too busy raiding nerfed SSC and TK to kill pre-nerf C’thun”
SoM was not well-loved and many dropped out of playing it for a list of reasons. That you think it had no issues is strange.
Plenty of people who played SoM at the start were raid-logging TBCC.
Agreed that SoM was dope. The raids were super fun. Watching classic era raids make it look like such a snooze fest. Bosses die before you even deal with their mechanics.
Watching someone like Laty wipe to Chromaggus over and over until they gave up just made smashing that content even more enjoyable.
The phase 1 honor and BGs were a misplay i think and i wish the crafting / gathering changes were in from the start but overall a really fun experience.
Wasnt a fan of the mind control rods in Naxx either.
SoM was an ultra-boring piece of bull’s crap. I played, and left in disgust.
I love the journey, chillin’, taking my time, but with the bonuses and easy mode it was more like playing Retail than WoW.
And then the idiocy in only placing those Soul of Iron Buff dealers in one capital for each faction. Fun detected => fun destroyed. as always.
I look forward to HC, only hoping for enough servers and removal of those inane “QoL improvements” from the test realm.
Oh yeah? You finish all the raids in SoM? You do the hard modes?
Nah. I didnt think so. Bet you didnt even finish MC.
No I did not. Because I’m not playing WoW to raid. As I told you me it’s like:
so I rage quit (or rather boredom quit) before I made it very far in SoM. I did not even care to transfer my characters from SoM to Era.
Yeah i mean it was built around raiding. So if you dont enjoy that i can understand why you wouldnt like SoM.
Supporting Indonesian families HC HYPE HC HYPE
It definitely isn’t for everyone, but for the people it’s for it’s an asston of the best content in Vanilla: Leveling.
My buddies and I have all done SoM 1 Soul of Iron toons and a good number of Era Bloodsail, and at this point we’re all on the same page that Raiding isn’t as fun as Hardcore. Yeah Hardcore can majorly burn you out when you lose dozens of hours of progress, but the itch comes back fast.
I think the initial wave of players ready to cream themselves for FRESH and dying quickly will cause a player drop, but I think the population as a whole will remain pretty consistent
Not how ddosing works but keep being negative also. It would be the same now but nobody ddoses the server used.
I don’t think it will fizzle out but some will die and not start again.
This cannot be fiddled like using the addon can and I’m sure quite a lot of people “cheat” with the addon.
You know, Alt-F4 just before death, login, turn the addon off, ress, logout and turn the addon back on. I’m sure it doesn’t check your stats for deaths.
I’m significantly more excited about Fresh/Classic+. I die a ton… but I’m gonna give HC a go.
The HC community is small, 2 realms on all regions says it all. However, they are dedicated and could make one server on NA and one on EU work.
That being said, with the softcore ruleset provided by Blizz, I doubt that all will play on these realms for long. Another issue is, that on release lot of fomo players and tourists that want fresh will occupy these realms, so that we most likely end up with more than just 1 realm per region.
This was one of many things wrong with SOM and it will most likely cause issues again.
Youre either hardcore advocate, dont know about it, or just salty because you dont like it and others are super pumped. Just my opinion.
Because the hc fad on bloodscale was obmver inside a month and a half
HC was always supposed to be a niche. It was never intended to be popular. The new players will try it and leave, and thus it will “fizzle out” - but the people who originally wanted and played HC will still be there.
In EU they spilled over to other servers as the one was so full it was impossible to play. It was even locked for a short while.
I sure hope Blizz gives us more than one realm, if only half the HC addon players plus curious players begin playing on one server we’ll have ultra-long queues and an unplayable game, as people dying and starting over will continue clogging the starter zones.
If the servers should become really empty - not just “I come from a Pserver and played one of the giga-servers in Classic”-empty, then merging like they did for the Era servers will be the solution.
We’re talking about a mode where the majority of it’s players will be hardstuck in the first couple of zones. It will be really hype and then it will die off once people keep dying. Which is completely fine by the way, multiple niche’s can be filled.
SoM was literally just classic WoW - the same game that we’re all playing right now on classic era - but with pre-nerf raids.
“Ultra boring” though