Demon hunters are better at PVP in lower ratings while also being amazing in PvE, raids, and mythic+. So, why do I play warrior if demon hunter is easier to play and so much better in every area? It’s because I love playing my warrior but since he’s so bad at everything I want to switch to demon hunter because people don’t like me in m+ since my damage is garbage compared to theirs. Please, Blizzard, fix this!
Then switch?
Uh huh…
Demon Hunters are a bit higher ranked as dps in m+ and I quit pvping this expansion because it is, quite frankly, boring for me lately but prot and fury are higher ranked than them in basically everything else.
That being said, to state that Demon Hunters are better in all regards is blatantly false.
Auzek, but I want to stay warrior, that is the thing that sucks about all of this.
Also for 3v3s arms is the 8th most represented spec for both eu and us. Dh are only 12th for both us and eu.
And 3v3 is the pvp blizz cares about anyway
tbh, I think warrior is perfectly fine. I’ve had a lot of success with this class this xpac, both in pvp and pve. Maybe it’s just you?
I got to 2200 as fury but arms I just can’t do crap with idk
I play arms in arena. Always been around 2200+ . This season though there’s a lot of broken classes. You’ll need like 20% versatility and at least one good tank trinket. I like arms but it’s not for everyone. The spec is very clunky and slow.
Better pvpers than I have already addressed that piece but if
that’s the case, that is completely on you. Fury does amazing damage in M+. No one familiar with Fury’s capabilities is not taking it because of damage.
Warriors are honorable, we have pride and if your even entertaining the thought of rolling a dh (one of our mortal enemy’s) then you absolutely should not be a warrior.
skyhold does not serve your kind
Some motivation if you need it ^.^
I don’t do a lot of pvp, mainly just to get the essences and that’s it. I enjoy the random BG now and again, but nothing too in depth. I understand what you’re saying, but if you’re switching to DH, than good luck.
That being said, having played both I vastly enjoy the high paced play style of Fury compared to Havoc. There is a reason my DH is just going to be a Miner/herbalist to feed materials to my Warrior. That said, play what you find enjoyable. Maybe try Fury for a while, might grow on you.
I don’t play fury because I do pvp…So hard to switch to spec, get good traits and different stats.
Because Havoc is the sorriest, most braindead excuse for a spec this game has ever seen, and you at least have to use a modicum of brain power to play Arms/Fury.
So get two sets of azerite!
That being said… arms can perform adequately. You just have to work a bit harder for it and an equally geared/skilled fury warrior will usually out dps you.
If that doesn’t matter to you though, keep on truckin’. Arms used to be my favorite so I can relate to wanting to play it.
Chin up! Keep at it!
Haha, I love that.
Also the case for me, Cataclysm and Legion I played Arms warrior. It was a hell of a lot of fun and could compete very well during those expansions.
For proof, here is an old video (7 yrs now) of one of my raid kills.
Fury is about the best DPS you can get in M+. No ramp up time, good damage regardless of mob count and great single target. I haven’t been in a group yet that had a fury underperform. It isn’t the hardest spec to play after all.
I’m not sure what you’re winging about. Wars are just fine in M+ and Raid scenarios. You’ve barely pushed keys (your highest this season is a 4 and absolutely zero raid progression in EP. I’m not up on how current metas are working in PvP right now, so I can’t speak there, but in the PvE world: Wars are just fine. (If your damage is garbage, you’re doing something wrong).