Why do Horde races want to be in the horde?

Awesome thanks for linking something useful. So we’re up to three Orc slaves and one Ogre. Does the Horde want that one Ogre by the way? It’d probably look nice next to your others. One of those Orc slaves would go on to enslave others.

Oh btw, Slavery is bad Dreadmoore. I’m going to end every post in this thread with that.

Yeah nothing about anything they say says slavery. Although what do I know, I only went back to Old Hillsbrad to double check on those hard working Orc slaves and found them doing literally nothing.

::mohenjo ignores where said orcs discuss clans being subject to this.::
what a surprise from the guy that thinks slavery is justifiable and excusable.


From the guy who refuses to say what the Alliance should have done to child murders/those who free child murders.

You didnt even read his post

Internment Camp - a prison camp for the confinement of prisoners of war, enemy aliens, political prisoners, etc.

So when someone says Internment Camp, it does not mean a slave camp. From there, an individual CAN be enslaved for whatever purpose, like gladiatorial combat. Not to mention for the 100th time, most of the Orcs got lethargy, this makes them lazy and only good for what we find in Durnhold, sitting around and doing nothing. This literally means that 99% of them COULD NOT BE SLAVES.

You know how it is man. 4 genocides is a tuesday for the Horde. 4 slaves and the Alliance needs to be burned to the ground. I love how I condone slavery, while the Horde players here have probably actually enslaved people via Horde quests. Horde players, YOU HAVE ENSLAVED PEOPLE IN GAME. If you did the Blasted Lands quest or Stonetalon quest, you actually enslaved Ogres and Kobolds.

Like I can’t make this stuff up.


Internment camp. Concentration camp. Whats the difference?


I do find it interesting that the Alliance was right there with the Horde helping them save Grom thus allowing them to defeat Mannaroth. Thus allowing to save their race from being enslave by the legion and the demon blood in there veins.

Yet they don’t get any recogntion for that, considering how much of a monumental moment it was for the Orcs in general.

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Honestly, one of the greatest ironies of Garrosh that I wish people talked more about ingame/meta wise is the fact he destroyed the city of the person who SAVED his father. That without Jaina/her people’s help Grom would have died a slave to the demons.

Ya you are right, the dude you are arguing with is 100 percent not letting go of that victim card.

Roles reversed the og horde takes no prisoners, so according to his logic humans should of just killed them all since he thinks camps were the worst option (what the alliance did was the least bad choice out of all the crap choices left)

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

That moment when horde players blatantly ignore the HORDE running slave rings themselves that everyone, including Thrall ignored

Slavery is bad guys. Regardless of who does it.

Where is the evidence that Thrall or others in Horde leadership knew about them and chose to ignore them?


It’s implied that Thrall knew of the Horde’s seedy underground (such as allowing warlocks and the like) but choose to turn a blind eye as to not cause stability issues.

That said he’d have to be quite blind to just ignore something big like Crimson Ring because that network did not see tiny. Especially when someone like Reghar became one of his advisers after he got rich.


Thrall turned a blind eye to alot of things not the least of which has to be Sylvanas and the Warsong Outriders.

I’m asking about where it’s implied that Thrall knew about the slave/gladiator rings specifically.

You mean in the graphic novel? Because it never comes up in the game.


I believe Rehgar, who seemed to be quite close to Thrall, was not shy of having his gladiatorial team walking in Orgrimmar. A gladiatorial team consisting of a Blood Elf, a Night Elf, and a Human.

I mean, they could be an adventurering group of different races marching through Orgrimmar, talks about them would nontheless spread quickly. I am sure Thrall knew something, and that something dubious was happening, if it was even considered dubious.

Fighting and battles have always been a big thing in orc culture, and Thrall always wanted to bring parts of that to the current Horde. It is why members had to prove their strength before joining. It is why he made a small modification of the Mak’gora, rather than outright demand it removed.

I would not be surprised if he saw no issues with gladiatorial combat, provided the “manager” of the team treated his/her gladiators with a modicum of respect. To an orc, it probably would not be seen as the worst fate to fight in a gladitorial pit, provided he was still greatly respected as a warrior, and not treated as a show dog.

It’s why I find this whole Slavery bad argument to be completely asinine. One corrupt human does it and it’s the worse thing to ever happen

The orcs do it and it’s somehow seen as a glorious and good thing. It’s really tiring from a outside perspective

Slavery sucks, end of story

Zerde and Micah in a deleted post quite literally affirmed that slavery is a valid form of punishment that is legal in the US so it’s okay and also they deserve it anyways so here we are


What I actually said was that people don’t care about societies worst of the worst doing any sort of hard labor. They’re the literal dregs of society

Y’all can pity the worst of society, but I won’t and never will.



I wonder how we could describe the forcing of people with deprived liberty to do hard labor unpaid with punishment for inefficiency

Wonder if there’s a word for that

You also said drug users are “dregs of society” and are also worthy of slavery as punishment but here we are