The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

I think the rebrand came after they had defended slavery in Trengs thread, and said other questionable things so I do find that a way to avoid accountability personally, but I’m also the type of person to just ignore them and keep it moving.

I think it’s both.

I think it’s fine the original person who let people know - but after that keep it moving.

Baal kind of captured some of their points they made w his reply, and I think anyone arguing some of the things Baal called out - I don’t want to engage with, and I think its fine for people to think a RP rebrand is weird, but theres only so many times you can mention it in threads like once was enough.

But yeah I quoted Baal because I do feel its valid to think its in poor taste to avoid accountability for what Baal and others called out in their rebuttals.