Why do DH players hate Momentum?

That was 80 days ago and Season 4 was even longer than that, were in 10.1 not a single post? come on dude

Feel free to apply to the CC and do better :joy:

I have never get picked lol

I don’t see how you can ever get rid of momentum. If there’s a buff that exists that just flat out increases your overall damage, it will always be better than not taking that talent.

Chaos Blades says hi! Increases ALL damage done by 30% for 18 sec. 2 min cooldown, could sync with it Meta EVERYTIME, buuuut nooooooooooooooo DH to OP. Also increased Auto Attack by 150% and makes it Chaos Damage HELLLLLUURRRRRR

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I would like to Havoc to also have Darkglare in it’s old form or the new one from Vengeance but further desyncing Essence Break from Eyebeam isn’t ideal. I’m not a fan of Momentum myself but I’m learning to progress in M+ and as mobs get more and more HP, the more the 40 Second Strict Rotation becomes more and more bearable.

But still I prefer an option to have a stronger ST focus on Eyebeam and stacking haste for shorter GCD, and not using a movement resource on a maintenance buff.

no havoc doesnt need more cooldowns, to stack.

get on your main then come talk to me.

glad you concede that I am right and you have no arguement.

…No… i just dont want to deal with a troll, but if yo uwant to go that route, we Macroed Chaos Blades to Meta, the extra button didnt matter

never said an extra button was the issue, but instead more dmg amps to stack. more cooldowns will not make havoc more enjoyable

dont interact with that clown. he legit doesnt know how to havoc at all

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Momentum now exists in its most watered down iteration to date. It’s a total non-issue. People hate it because they still think you have to perform the historic dance to maximize it’s use value. This era has concluded. The difference between burning every FR charge and just reserving it for UBC/VR is such a tiny margin as to be irrelevant. When UBC was the default choice in Shadowlands there was probably a tenth of the complaining that Momentum received so I take it that any further complaining about the talent are either bad faith rage-addicts or top percentile min/max freaks who don’t represent the rest of the community and need to just face up to re-rolling if FR into FB is so frustrating

Its the only thing stopping me from really getting into DH. My druid I can just not use bloodtalons and I do just fine, DH you can’t just not use momentum its too good. Don’t like the playstyle, its a real shame.

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You’re not taking Momentum to be casting fel rush whenever it’s off CD, you take it because it’s the most efficient route in the tree to KYE once you have Initiative. If you’re capable of skipping Blood Talons as feral and still performing then you can easily go down the Momentum branch, only use VR+FB to refresh initiative and still be competitive.

Don’t let the histrionics of threads like this put you off the class when it’s arguably the most flexible it’s ever been.

So you don’t skip blood talons because you still need it in the same way you are describing, you take the other talent because its the braindead easy version and makes the class fun to play, at least for me. I don’t like worrying about doing x y or z to do optimal damage and THAT is my problem with momentum. One more thing I have to keep track of is one more reason I’m in the dirt in PvP solo shuffle etc.

I just wanna focus on the game and my Cooldowns not “well I better make sure I cast vengeful retreat into fel rush into the hunt so I can get enough time on a buff to kill this person” Its simple really


See this is the problem with the DH community at large. There’s one talent that’s been the linchpin of a moderately difficult build and now it’s all anyone can see. You’re hitting VR to refresh initiative and generate fury, and you’re casting Fel Rush because UBC buffs it to be a significant source of extra damage. At that point Momentum is just an 8% damage flourish for two active abilities with a big payoff. If you’re only interested in active abilities and not a maintenance playstyle then the talent is still a no-brainer. Just put min/max out of your head and you’ll be fine.

And as for PvP I can’t imagine any other setting where you’re more likely to be hitting Fel Rush on CD. Only reason to complain is if you don’t plan on hitting Fel Rush at all. At that point you have far bigger problems with the class than this now irrelevant talent.

So irrelevant its mandatory

Like really, did you really just say that?
Telling a DPS to not focus on something in a game that is based around min/maxxing your character, simming, etc. Youre pratically invalidating anything youve said with this single statement.

All this would make sense if our boss damage was more relatively even to other classes. Were even behind shadow priest in boss damage. So the fact even with >=70% momentum uptime, were still behind the next bracket of other classes where their boss damage is at.

People who like it aren’t as vocal on the forums. The ones that like to complain are the loud ones. Most DHs that I know on live love it, including me. Loud minority issue.