Why do DH players hate Momentum?

I personally love it, and it was my main in 9.1. I don’t like demonic, and never have. Just curious as to why everyone prefers demonic and says it “fits the class better”.


Because I play the class in order to be mobile, and momentum removes that mobility by tying my damage to it. Instead of holding fel rush to use at opportune times to do mechanics I need to keep it on CD to maintain a flat damage buff.

It also yeets me around the room, which is impractical or outright impossible on certain fights.

I’ve played almost every DPS spec in the game, and momentum is by far my least favorite talent.


Because it’s a maintenance buff, which would be annoying by itself, that forces us to incorporate our mobility into our rotation in order to maintain it, making it doubly annoying.


Love Momentum TBH. It’s one of the few talents/spells that gives you a risk/reward playstyle alongside Surrender to Madness and Ravenous Frenzy. Except it’s not as hardcore as either of those abilities to the point where you can choose to sacrifice some of your output in specific parts of a fight/Key so that you retain your mobility and can still do/avoid mechanics.

There are some players who don’t want Momentum to be super spammy with the incoming reduction to the Fel Rush CD with Erratic Felheart. But IMO that’s more of an issue with Erratic Felheart as opposed to momentum. Besides that, Momentum acts exactly the same as it does currently on live.

Then there are players who, for the most part, do not do competitive content enough to worry about whether the sub 5% damage amp really affects them in any way. Added to that, they probably have never tried momentum to attempt at any challenging content in a dedicated manner.


I think people just want to minimize risk when they’re playing DH. Some of us get bored though and like the added complexity. It’s like a more involved rotation but it involves map awareness rather than making silly combos. I personally don’t see why that has to be so controversial, once you get used to thinking about surroundings and how to minimize your chance of death it becomes second nature.

Maybe it’s the camera rotating that people can’t get used to?

Yeah I mean maybe their supports should put down more wards?

nice one mite

I loved it initially, but it’s the maintenance that can be off-putting. In Legion, you’d also waste your Blur for refreshes. Though it was a fury builder then, too. The uniqueness was enjoyable, even if it lead to untimely and humiliating deaths. It could do with some more risk/reward, a flat %dam increase needing refresh every 7-10seconds isn’t impactful. Though similar complaints were made about Nemesis.
Ideally, there will be balance enough for you to play what you enjoy for most encounters.

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the way demonic is for DF is insanely fun. trying to maintain 100% uptime on demon form is a lot of fun and very challenging.


You could tie the same buff to Glaive Toss and it’d be far less irritating to use.


Because it feels terrible.


I enjoy playing Momentum and I am having a blast with it in the beta. I can not wait to close the book on the “Sinful Brand” era once and for all.


11,864% this. One of DH’s primary strengths is movement in combat, both in pve and pvp. Tying damage to movement is fine on a Patchwerk-styel/melee-friendly fight, but those are rare.

On a more subjective viewpoint, Demonic is faster-paced and more visually stimulating.


Simply put, it turns our mobility into use on CD damage amp.

That’s basically it. I want to zip around because I need to move, not because a damage buff is falling off.


I think they should redesign so it’s at least more than a damage buff. Like everyone’s happy to spend a charge of Fel Rush on UBC because it’s active, rather than something you maintain.

Choice node with Chaos Blades would be good compromise. Lord knows we won’t get Chaos Blades back though.

It’s so funny how passionate people are for Chaos Blades. I agree though, having a signature cooldown like that that affects melee swings is a nice novelty.

Legion first patch, the infamous fel rush disconnect bug. That was enough for me to dislike momentum.

While i can see the appeal and have no desire to force players who like it to stop liking it…

Its objectivy poor in its design, and that comes down to something fundamental to the game.

WoW is not an action combat game. Theres no dodging your enemies auto attacks, no jumping over a fireball, everything is a system of equations and variables with a coat of paint over em.

Spells and attacks que in WoW, and its for that reason this is a funamentally couter intuitive talent. When you target something with an auto attack or ability, as long as conditions like range are met, it happens.

This leads to mobility being a proactive reposition tool. Tab targeting means players will always be expected to maximize uptime on a target. It also means that unlike an action based game, the player cant decide “okay the boss is casting a powerful frost bolt at me, ill Retreat over it and Fel Rush into range”. This can be done when dealing with floor damage to an extent, but thats about it.

TLDR: Constant movement being tied to your damage is about as dynamic of a playstyle that exists in WoW. The problem is that WoW is not a dynamic action game, so it naturally conflicts with so many of its design principles.


I can speak for my reasons as to not liking Momentum.

First off, I don’t hate Momentum, in fact I probably don’t even dislike it as a playstyle in general.

What I dislike of this playstyle is that most of the time whether it is playable or not depends entirely on boss/dungeon design, and not on player skill.

The boss has spread mechanics? You’re better off not playing Momentum
The boss has a lot of stuff you have to dodge constantly? You’re better off not playing Momentum
The boss has a lot of stack mechanics? You’re better off not playing Momentum

None of those situations have any resemblance whatsoever to play skill. This is also not an issue of a talent being viable or not because of the DPS profile it provides, like most of the talents are.

This creates another issue. If Momentum is best, chances are whatever build that doesn’t use Momentum isn’t even remotely close (and that’s currently the situation in Dragonflight). That means, in those bosses I just described, as Havoc you have no choice but to pay the ‘Havoc tax’ as I call it, for entirely no reason whatsoever.

A tax absolutely no other DPS in the game pays, a tax that feels completely unfair to me.

That about sums up my reasons for at least wanting an alternative that’s equal in power.