Sure it’s just fel rushing/vr/ubc etc, but when you start to look at all the 1 shot mechanics you have to dodge in m+, it adds up. Someone just jumping into it for fun as an alt isn’t going to be able to keep up the momentum windows/VR crit windows while not getting hit by avoidable damage. Throw thundering damage windows/cleanse on top of it, throw in the other affixes, and the skill ceiling really gets high.
It’s pretty obvious the DH’s in keys who get it and those who don’t. It’s the difference between smoking the key with the highest damage, or averaging tank damage the entire time.
Because I yeeted myself right through Terros and down into the abyss.
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It’s boring straight up. Forcing yourself to move without doing actually anything is so boring I want to gouge my eyes out. So I don’t use it.
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I don’t play it or miss it, it’s not fun to me to be forced to move every few secs.
I’ve been running glaives eyes as well. However I’m not certain of the stat priority.
That’s what prompted me to alter my build. Less damage but more enjoyable.
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alot of you just want to tunnel mobs and bosses and it shows.
blizz thinks momentum/unbound chaos is SO SO powerful is because is uncap on how many targets can hit, doesn’t have diminish return after x number of enemies it as with other skills.
normal people will have a pack of 5 ish enemies at the time, that is more less what all the AEO skills are capped, they found out that all people doing VERY high keys were not able to achieve them since they only hit 5 targets at the time, so they added the " if you hit more than x you do less damage to 6 and more enemies"
for momentum/unbound to shine you have to have like 15 or more enemies at once, since the 15 will receive the full amount of damage, vs other classes that will hit 5 full damage and very little to the other 10 enemies.
the risk on:
- falling,
- agro another pack, fall,
- end up in front of an enemy and be hit with cleave/frontal attack,
- the down time not hitting while to go back to hit the enemies (this not big deal since if you have the skill to lunch you back to the group)
is not worthy for normal players, a Pro player with a pro guild doing 20+M will be something to consider.
but again, blizz doesn’t think on players, thinks on ‘Money’ what bring money? competition on who can finish x in y amount of time. even do we all pay the same subscription base. so they cater the game for pro players and tournaments that they can stream.
casual players bring the most money, momentum is now a extremely weak and casual talent with 0 skill cap except the bare minimum you should be doing already. VR inititive is more of a “skill issue” than momentum is. but no one talks about vr
It’s not a fun build (for most). It’s really annoying. It’s also the build people liked the least and now they’ve made it meta, to add insult they made fodder to the flame meta too. So you have the worst build with the worst covenant ability as meta. what a horrible place to be for our class The rotation is clunky, it puts you in avoidable situations. It makes me believe the Havok DH class need a full overhaul.
Momentum was the spec to play when DH launched. The only real extra buttons the spec has now from launch is felblade which is more filler and immo aura. If you’re looking for a massive rotational difference from Legion Demon Hunter you are wrong.
keep in mind that the majority of good dh’s dont care or dont mind momentum. the peopel that dislike momentum are just loud
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A person can be good at DH and not like momentum at the same time. Pro players, the ones that get paid to play, will just play whatever is strongest, regardless if they like it or not.
i am aware. momentum isnt much of a big deal that alot of people in the forums make it out to be. its just a loud minority. like ret paladins that want exo back or think horse should be replaced with a worse speed buff because rp reasons
They might as well just remove fel rush and vengeful retreat and bake all that momentum dmg into the spec.
If we are prohibited for using our mobility 90% of the time because it essentially equals a maintenance buff, then just give us a dot on our auto attacks.
Sure, some people like to just rush rush retreat repeat on cooldown, it’s ultimately pointless since it’s nothing but a buff
I don’t think removing them is the way to go. I don’t like playing the build that uses them a lot, but they are both good abilities to use to avoid mechanics.
so much going on just to compete to other classes that don’t need that many complicated maneuvers.
all that risk! for again be at the same level that some other classes that have lower gear?
Isnt that a skill cap thing? A good demon hunter would sac some damage in order to have a mobility skill to use during a certain CD?
Maybe they could just buff momentum and put it on a 25 second cd which would basically make it so you would only need to dash once every 25 seconds or something
Since when has demon hunter had a hard time competing with other specs in dungeons or raids? Compared to most other DPS specs its been doing pretty well since launch, overwhelmingly well. Most likely because it has such a huge player base and blizz cant nerf it, also with it being the only dps spec.
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This guy understands the true state of havoc DH