Why do DH players hate Momentum?

I love DH mobility, but I like to use it when I need it, not having to use it to maintain a damage buff. Also hate having to use Vengeful Retreat as a damage move instead of a mobility benefit is super annoying. Making Momentum basically required has kind of kept me from playing DH in DF so far, actually.


I wish there were a visual cue to depict when we had the buff up. Yes I know, I can use a WA.

It wouldn’t be so bad if it was a 12 sec buff.

How big is the DPS difference anyway?

I absolutely loathe momentum. I hate moving around everywhere.


It’s not terrible, but I feel it gets me in more trouble than it’s worth. Wish the buff lasted longer or fel blade gave it, it feels too short for the constant mental checks you need to do


I think momentum adds a degree of difficulty to the build and also adds efficiency.

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wihle running a M10 dungeon:
I run glaives eye build and another DH did momentum, at the end of the dungeon he die 2 or 3 times, pull extra packs, i didn’t die =)

at the end his damage was 47m vs mine 45.9

a 3% difference is because the gear item level difference, but for that 3% damage is not worthy endanger the party/stone.


In PvP it’s amazing. In PvE, I often can’t use it as much as I’d like because there’s not enough room. Still useful on bosses and when moving from trash pack to trash pack, though.

One reason I hate it, is the inconsistency of fel rush. Take the Sennarth encounter for example, most of the time I use fel rush on ice I move 2 inchs. However, I have died on a few times now where I used it and it shot me 100 feet over an edge in an instant.

Or take the final boss of vault. I would love to be able to save vengeful retreat to removed the debuff. Or use VR/FR for getting around, but I am supposed to be using them for dps instead of mobility.


This would honestly make me consider momentum if it is to stay. I just cannot get on board with wasting mobility CDs on damage only for the healer/tank to #$%%@ at me if I don’t get out of the big bad fast enough.


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Because i have to zoom around already limited spaces and use my movement spells as dps buffers… i really hate this playstyle i like the dps output i’m almost always top dps in dungeons it really bothers me as to how much i must focus to not make single miss step… honestly now i pref sinfull brand play over this

You know glide exists and it’s faster than running right?

No matter what I try, all my cooldowns run out of sync when trying to play momentum. I also hate the forced movement, especially with the 20 million swirlies everywhere this expac. Playing Shattered Destiny with Essence break and it’s good enough for +15~16 keys on 396 ilvl while being way less risky and much easier to play. I’m sure momentum will outsim and probably be better for the top .1%, but ehhh this is good enough for the other 99.9% if they don’t like momentum.


Most people hate momentum because most people are bad at playing havoc



If you’re fel rushing on the final platform of sennarth you’re risking almost certain death for like a 1-2% dps increase JUST during that phase. Limit yourself to just VR’ing/felblading back during that phase, hold onto fel rush.

Just use VR on CD, it’s only a 20 sec CD. Another tip to consider is to use it to aggressively to dispell stacks. If you have 5 sec left until VR comes up for example, get all your movement out of the way, get as many stacks as possible then VR.

This is unfortunately the case. To play momentum at its highest theoretical ceiling you need very in depth knowledge about both the playstyle AND the dungeon you’re running. I personally don’t get that until I’ve run the key 20-30 times. The first 20 runs I do of a new dungeon in a m+ season are always super cringe :slightly_frowning_face:

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wat? momentum isnt high ceiling. its legit just fel rushing with ubc only and vr throguh the pack or to a wall. just be aware of your surroundings. thats it

Pretty easy way to green parse tbh

obvi, but we gotta keep advice simple for forum folks or they might get a brain hemorrhage