Why do Covenant Abilities/Restrictions remove player agency?

Maybe the opposite applies to you, your self awareness is way too high, making you think you are somewhat good when you are actually terrible (?) it works both ways RPG truth bearer, i should be challenger but im somewhat stuck here in bronze.

Why is this ironic? His logs have him at a 51 overall. While certainly not indicative of a good player, that’s also not bad.

Mediocre seems more accurate.

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Probably, its just hilarious riding that high horse while just being another aotc of the bunch with average logs.

Yeah well he’s on the sadistic side of the game- wanting players punished by being forced to play the game the way he wants vs. how they want.

There’s a whole cult of them swarming the forums.


Yeah, well, just another day of GD you could say.

Complaining about not having choice but unwilling to pick a choice when it is forced upon you. Ever had arguments over what to eat for dinner? That is meaningful choice, leading to envy of what you didn’t pick.

These are the things the game is lacking, class envy an so on. Being jealous while you run an m+ with a buddy who chose the m+ covenant. That is good for the game and the ecosystem as a whole. You had a choice, you just refuse to keep an open mind and remember you picked the pvp covenant or the torghast covenant.

Honestly I can’t wait for covenants to mix everything up and make players actually THINK about what they want, instead of just swapping talents or legendary items between mob packs.


The sad truth is that they actually decrease the amount of thinking.

Instead of being able to think and strategize for each piece of content, players will just go to wow head to see what covenant is best suited for their “main” form of content once - which isn’t really thinking at all.

Or people just pick what they like best in terms of aesthetics.

In either case, there isn’t much thinking involved, and all of the player agency and potential choices players could make are gone.


Anybody can look up a guide online about best race for X or best class for solo play etc.

You gotta take the blinders off and let the game be an RPG again. Think, I’m a druid, of a certain spec, of a certain talent setup, of a certain pvp talent setup, of a certain covenant, with specific soulbinds, and crafted custom legendary gear with chosen affixes. Sounds like an RPG to me. You finally get the opportunity to take the guide and throw it, learn how every cog of your character or class interacts and yet you run away from that? Ok did you say thinking?


As if those ‘’’choices’’’’ aren’t no brainer


All potential thinking goes away when the abilities are restricted.

Players go to the wow head guide ONCE when they first pick their covenant. Set it and forget it.

If players could switch abilities - then thinking and strategizing would be a part of the game:


  • We’re on X boss for progression - let’s try having players b/c/d use y covenant ability and focus on adds for phase 2 and we’ll have players e/f/g use z covenant ability that they use for the entire fight. Method had 5 players use z covenant ability and only 2 use y covenant ability, but they had a very different raid composition than we have; so that’s why we’re going to try something different.

  • Oh - looks like the adds went down much faster than we thought - let’s try this next pull with player d using v covenant ability.


  • So this is a Tyrannical week, but we’re planning on pulling some pretty big packs after the 1st boss, so let’s at least have 1 dps have a solid aoe covenant ability equipped and have the other 2 dps choose anything that works for single target.

  • That big pull goes badly and adds don’t die fast enough - lesson learned, next time let’s try either using AoE dps pots for that big pull, or having 1 more dps pick an ability that’s a little more aoe focused.


  • We have this composition against that other composition - let’s try this combination of abilities, or that combination, or this other combination, but definitely not this other composition of abilities that did practically nothing for us 2 matches ago against the same team.

All of this thinking goes out the window when abilities are locked in. There’s no trying stuff out. There’s no diversity. There’s just looking up on WoW head what works best for your class in the 1 form of content you prefer playing, and then you don’t ever have to think about it again.


That is only for, let my quote a person who said something very accurate

For me and for others who make our own choices and builds, thinking exists.

For them, choices will never exist since they will brainlessly follow the guide, and they will also follow the same guide saying that they should change to x talent for X boss, so as you can see for those people there is 0 RPG elements in the game either way

There’s plenty to think about.

If you’re running 20+ keys with the meta-compositions that the pro’s play, running the exact same routes and strategies - maybe not, but the vast majority of players aren’t running content at that fine of a level.

The majority of players run at much lower difficulty levels, with more varied compositions that allow for a lot more diverse selection of talents and essences. Which is what happens today - because groups just can’t do what the pro’s do, especially when you don’t have the skill/gear/experience that they have.

This below isn’t from a guide:

If you replace the azerite traits with talents/essences - it’s what happens today. And if you don’t replace them, it’s what will still happen with covenant abilities.

Maybe the players you play with don’t think and strategize about things - but a lot of other players do.

And all of the thinking they could be doing in regards to the covenant system goes out the window and is simplified to a set it and forget it one-time choice.

All those sounds like no brainers to me, there wasnt deep thikning involved, having a few focus on AoE and a few focus on ST doesnt require some deep level of critical thinking, and then adjusting to boost either based on the reasonit failed doesnt include deep thinking either, they are both no brainers

Now what requires thinking and is an impactful decision is “which abillity best fits me, my playstyle and ALL the content I will be doing”

As someone who does pvp, m+ and raids, I ll be going necrolords for the perfect mail mog and the AoE abillity i get will always have uses, less so in pvp but I am fine with being sub optimal there, it was my choice

You can’t actually think this. The Covenants include pvp, raids, M+ and just questing in general. We also have no new talent row. Gosh you know there might be an easy way to fix this issue. Choice should matter in terms of your story and what cosmetics you get I shouldn’t have to pick the vamps for the signature shield if I want to be part of the angel group just like a pally shouldn’t have to pick the angels if they want to play as a blackguard.

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The game isn’t single player is what you and others refuse to get. I shouldn’t have to be at a disadvantage in raid or pvp purely due to my story choice. I also shouldn’t be denied being able to choose my storyline because x covenant has way better class and signature abilities than z covenant for my role and class even if I really like z covenants storyline and look.


Those kinds of things are all examples of what we did when my guild was progging through Mythic raids.

We go through logs, check timings of things dying, phases changing etc. - That all requires intentional thought and reacting to many variables.

The decisions aren’t no-brainers - not at the beginning when we first try out our plan A, and not throughout progression as we switch to Plan B, C, etc.

Looking at your limited experience - I could see why you’d think the process is very simple. Your performance is fairly average - so it doesn’t seem like you take much time to think at a personal level, let alone at a raid level.

Your M+ experience is also very limited - and if I had to bet money, I’d say you paid for the carry on your +15 Temple; running with a bunch of 475 ilvl players when you’re at 446.

Seems odd for a player like yourself to be commenting on the higher level difficulties of gameplay, strategy, and thinking WoW has to offer when you can barely manage to do the mid level difficulties very well and have to resort to carries to get you a decent weekly chest.

I’m really sorry for whatever/whoever hurt you - seems like you’re just trying to proliferate whatever kind of anger and hatred you were exposed to.


Jaw Drop

MEDIC!!! Can we get some burn treatment for Rälph please!!!

‘This thing failed, we should change it’
Yeah that is quite a no brainer, adjusting after failure doesn’t involve some deep thinking when the reason the group failed is obvious.

Simply because you didn’t keep using the same tactic and smashing your head over the wall doesn’t mean you did any real thinking, that is the bottom bar

If you also noticed I am playing the game as an mmorpg which means I choose my build that fits my play style first and stick with it because my play style is what is fun, especially when there is 0 need to adjust said build since I don’t ever plan on doing mythic world first, and I doubt you are either.

That is what I call tryhard, because you don’t need the most optimal build for even mythic raiding rn since it has been months since it released, on the first few weeks? Sure, not after.

Meanwhile the same people are the ones who need the most optimal covenant even though they are not world first raiders and thankfully there’s enough of us opposing such changes.

Oh yeah and I don’t hide that m+ boost since if you also checked the logs I started playing this hunter less than 2 weeks ago, but hey, let’s ignore everything else and focus on that one right since it best serves your purpose :^)
Also sorry for not having 99 logs on my recently geared hunter, will keep trying

But the analyzing of how things went and what could be adjusted is where thinking takes place and new decisions can be made.

I don’t think you understand what the word “think” means - because you keep trying to invalidate instances where thinking takes place as “no-brainer”.

As noted above - it seems really difficult to take seriously from a player that doesn’t even have to push buttons to complete content when you’re paying for carries, while at the same claiming to play the game as an “RPG”.