Why do casuals care?

Why is your transmog so terrible?

Which goes back to my first point. If we could just change covenants like cheap suits, that kills the entire point of adding flavor to your character.

Right, just like how Blizzard MUST hold flying back for a year every expansion, because otherwise the people who “prefer” ground mounts would be FORCED to use their flying mounts.

You’re just living off of schadenfreude, kicking your kicks from other players hating a system.

I personally dont care. It wont affect my game much if at all.
But master loot didnt affect me either and I was still irritated about it being taken away from raiders.
The real question here is WHY would REAL raiders WANT to be more limited by making it harder for them to swap covenants IF they find out that they are having trouble with the one they chose?
Your question honestly confuses me.

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You guys can keep saying that all you want, doesn’t make it true. Maybe some are, but I simply like the system the way it is and believe it adds interesting character flavor. Sorry you guys are suffering so much as a result of it, but you’ll learn to deal.

If you think not changing covenants adds interesting character flavor, there’s an easy fix: Don’t change your covenant.

Filthy, doesn’t raid, shower, run M+, use deodorant, etc.

If they were easily swappable, I wouldn’t have that option. I’d be expected to switch constantly, and frankly I’m tired of having to swap things around every time I enter a slightly different form of content.

That’s the whole point, though.

Raiders hate this.

Therefore, the people who hate raiders like it.

That’s all this is about: toxic casuals who are more driven by their hatred of other players than by their own enjoyment.


So the entire theme of the expansion has us choose a covenant, work to earn their trust, and in return gain their power. Then we join a raid and say “lol jk I’m with your rival for AoE pulls” then “please take me back for the boss fight!”

Sounds silly to me.

I’m a raider and I like it.

The covenants need all the help they can get, if I’m working with the Venthyr, but then go off to help the Necrolords for a bit, what’s stupid to me is the Venthyr then saying “No, we don’t want your help anymore.”

yeah…Id like to have it all be what works best for everyone…including those in content I dont ever play. Im not that self absorbed that I cant see someone else is having a problem

Like ML…they didnt need to remove it literally at all. Allow both. Make every guild choose which theyre using and once they choose it can never be changed.
That way everyone gets what they want to use and incoming new members can see ML or PL and know what to expect.
Its ridiculous that they removed something that was useful like that, but it seems like it was only to drag out time played at the end of the day…to make gearing up take much longer.

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I do think it’s overblown but I guess people don’t want SL to be like the start of BfA so that’s fair.

I should have clarified: Progression raiders.

I just wanna see how long it takes for Blizz to finally give in and let people swap covenants more freely. I’m not holding my breathe it’s anytime before 9.3 if at all.

only one way to casual lol.

you funny

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It will be heavily marketed as a cool feature in 9.3, I’m sure.

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Why do you care about what other people caring? :man_shrugging:

Let him care whatever the heck they want.

And I’m a progression raider too. Might not be raiding at the highest levels, but we still do progress on lower levels.