Why do casuals care?

They don’t, the vocal minority are far from “casual” given they come on the forum to complain constantly.

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I would call 6350 forum posts zealous, does that mean you are doing without enjoyment? Are you obsessive? Do you treat this forum like a job?

Why make the post? You already made up your mind.

People care because Blizzard has a terrible track record of balancing literally anything. Nobody wants to be weak when running around killing stuff, which ends up being the primary means of doing any content in the game.

Do you want to play a Hunter who takes twice as long to kill everything compared to your buddy Jimmy who made the better choice?
Who is that fun for?
I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anyone who said “I wanna be weak and struggle to win fights, that’s my gamer fantasy.”

It seems you are unable to draw a conclusion based on logic rather than feeling.

There is no logic to sweeping generalizations about a demographic of players just because they play differently than you.

It’s just spite and pettiness.


Because its sets a precedent. If min/maxers get their wish and nothing changes, or if they find something else to measure with, there’s no objection.

I mean there is a lot of truth in that for some people.

I suppose I was right if I touched this nerve.

Your nerve was struck before you were even replied to - why else would you spend your first post ITT insulting min/maxers if you were devoid of emotion?

A fact is only an insult if you don’t like that fact about you, I guess.


Zealous ones.


Start your own groups and don’t care about min/maxing then. Create your own precedent. It isn’t up to anyone else to assure your participation in groups.

Certainly don’t enable insulting players for not playing your way, either. Nobody told that guy he has to min/max, he’s just injecting his preference into other peoples playstyle and insulting them.


I don’t care if covenants are swappable or not.

I just hate that the community invented a problem where there isn’t one and blames Blizzard for it.

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There’s lots of different players that like to play lots of different ways. It’s not just casuals and the 1%. Covenants are about more than just player power, it’s story and choices and immersion. There’s a lot more to playing a game than just numbers.

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I’m not insulting anyone. I’m just pointing out that changing the covenant abilities won’t suddenly change min/maxers from being completely biased, so why change it?

And your definition of zealous min maxing is what?

Do you even understand what min/maxing is?

Ever put on an upgrade before? Swapped a talent to suit an encounter? Used a corruption over a worse corruption?

One would probably be upset if I treated a job like a game. If I treated this longtime casual-dominated game as a job, it’s natural that people object.

But keep trying to say I’m bullying people for stating the fact that zealous minmaxers objectively treat this game like a job.

Clearly you do care because you made a post about it.

So why do you care what I think about the covenant system? Especially if you don’t care either way.

No, you aren’t. But the guy I am responding to is, and you are taking up more issue with what I say than the insults he says. That means you are enabling him.


Why would any player be okay with restrictions on something we’ve had “freedom” for, for literal years. :neutral_face:

It’s not even about min/maxing, why have the redundant restrictions in the first place?!

Covenants have not been in the game, it is a new feature.

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