Why do casuals care?

Get used to it. Most people form their opinions depending on which streamer they watch. They just won’t change their mind no matter the relevance to them if Streamer X said it sucks. Basically, the sheeple principal.


i havent heard that name in a long time lol


Interesting. I’ve always wondered exactly what a “casual” is. Some people base it on time played, others on content completed.

So, by the time metric, someone who pet battles 6 hours a day isn’t a casual, but the person who logs in 6 hours a week to run a +15, 2 mythic raid nights & a few dailies would be casual?


I don’t know why anyone cares so much. There’s a desire for balance…and then there’s forum demands.

As someone progressing through mythic Nya with a 479 ilvl, I don’t feel concerned…would that make me elitest? lol. Maybe just not neurotic.

Edit: Just to make a real point,

Here is my IO. https://raider.io/characters/us/area-52/Atlos It’s nothing mindblowing. I generally do a dungeon or 2 a week. Progressing through with a single target focused build. There’s better, but I’m not aiming to be the top dungeon runner—just to have fun.

You can see I’m 3/12 mythic, working on Shadhar atm. Nothing mindblowing, but I think I’m doing alright for someone who isn’t concerned. Using the same exact build and corruptions for both.

For the record, I do the same on other characters, not just DH (though I do think DH is a bit OP)

Casual vs hardcore is a mindset of “how much do you REALLY care?”

If the pet battler can pick up his bags and go to some other game at the drop of a hat, it doesn’t matter if he spends 6 hours a day, he’s spending those 6 hours on a casual laidback level. Whereas the guy who logs in 6 hours a week but who %%%%posts for hours on the forums about the meta game, who calls Ion’s home phone and threatens to leave another bag of burning dog poo on his step, that guy is hardcore.

The reason that hardcore, time spent, and Mythic seem to go together is that people who really really care know that WoW is a game where you’re rewarded for how much time you spend in the game, and they care so much they’ll generally spend that time to get stronger, and Mythic is the content that challenges players who spend a lot of time grinding and devote mindshare to the game.

That’s not true maybe half don’t care about min/max but the other half may .

Casual doesn’t mean you only do content to a certain level it can also have to do with amount of time played.

I am a casual and I like to sometimes push myself to do better and to be optimal in which ever content I am doing on any given day.

If you mean casuals as in someone that only does the rp game or the ah game and maybe even the pet battle game then I can see them not caring if covenants stay locked. But for the rest of us casuals don’t say we don’t care.

I’m a casual and I don’t care at all. I think getting locked in is solid and am planning alts for it.


Casuals care infinitely more about having fun as a primary goal, and obsessive minmaxing is only fun to people who like to make playing video games a job.


That’s ok I went Clark Ralph Vanillanoob

Sorry I get you trolls mixed up

IN a Clark thread

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So this and Flayed shot.

I would like the class abilities opened just so I can experiment with them

Because they are terrified someone will ask them to switch for high end content that they do not do.


“Casual” doesn’t mean “I don’t care about my performance or seeing big, impressive numbers.”

It means, “I primarily/exclusively participate in the more accessible forms of content.”

Give a casual a piece of BiS gear, you think they won’t cherish and appreciate it just because they’re not tilting at the current mythic BBEG? Whatever it is you’re doing, seeing yourself do well, do the best you possibly can is satisfying. Seeing your character grow is satisfying. Seeing your time and investments pay off is satisfying, no matter what form of content that happens to take.

So why should “Casuals” care about performance being tied to Covenant choice? The same reason anyone should. I want to do as well as possible at whatever it is I’m doing. Now the only way to do that is by picking one very specific, possibly objectionable path that isn’t just difficult to change, but will be subject to change as Blizzard fumbles with the balance for three patches or more.

End of the day, if Blizzard did NOT go this route, discussions on the covenants would be more about the covenants themselves, not their execution.

“X Covenant is the best!” should be more a debate about what race is the best. Tastes, aesthetic, theme, characters, and story. Sure, your race will determine some level of your effectiveness in a given content situation, but not to a disquallifying extent. Covenants seem to miss that part, currently, and that’s a major part of the complaints.

If Covenant choice is closer to “Okay, Worgen get a controllable Speed Boost, but Void Elves get a periodic damage boost” in terms of balance, then that’s one thing. As it stands, however, I don’t think that’s the case.

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They dont have to do that though.

But at 479 ilvl, I’ll destroy you regardless of Covenant choice (if they were current). I think everyone is overestimating their level of importance.

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So why do you think a casual should not have an opinion? They play the game and may enjoy being stuck with one or dislike that they are stuck with one.


So to clairfy. You don’t care but are asking anyway. Presumably as this is a question about which you have zero interest in and by default, the replies, you’ve posted this merely for the “lulz” and “triggering” others i.e. a troll post.

Good going. I’ve flagged it as such.

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Why do you have to insult?.

People have enjoyed challenging video games since their inception. People who enjoy WoW’s challenging game modes typically min/max to increase their enjoyment of those game modes. That has nothing to do with being obsessive or with treating it like a job.

Would you like it if I said you played the way you did to get flashbacks of kindergarten puzzles?


Meh. Just in it for the mogs lol. Have each covenant covered for each class except for two clothies.

Which is funny because it obviously bothers him.


I’m casual and I HATE BFA grind systems like Azerite armor, essences, 50 different currencies to grind out a bunch of useless trash. Shadowlands looks like more of the same, but now with the ultimate slap of being stuck with 1 content.

This is how stupid Shadowlands will be…
Ion: How can we make content, and then divide it in a way that forces people to theoretically play more to extend play time?

Also Ion: In theory if we divide the game into 4 parts and force people to play each different covenant we can sucker a lot of people into the same content with a different skin on multiple alts. The subs will last forever!

Still Ion: I’ll just pat myself on the back.

I DO NOT want to roll a boat load of dedicated alts. This new xpac is going for make it so I can’t see most of the game. Isn’t this kinda BS why we have LFR and other dumbed down multi-layered content in the first place? To make the game accessible? This completely fails in all logic and it’s a shameless attempt to get numbers going for Ion’s bad theory.