You need 2400 rating to get the highest ilvl PvP gear and because it lacks PvP specific stats like in the past, PvE gear is often better and much easier to obtain.
Almost anyone can do a +15 for max ilvl gear, 2400+ arena is close to the top 1% of all PvPers.
Being able to swap your covenants with no fallout is about as casual as you can get for the system. I think you’re asking the wrong group. I would prefer the game return to it’s RPG roots making major decisions impactful and difficult to undue. It’s amusing that people who want the game to be a bit more unforgiving are now “casuals”. But hey, whatever strokes your poke.
This is easily my biggest dislike of Covenants. If you only ever do one form of content or play one spec, yeah just pick whatever is the best and hope it doesn’t get nerfed.
But it’s going to be a huge FeelsBad for the people who have to play multiple roles and their tank ability is awful for DPS, or their PvE ability is awful for PvP.
Priest Covenants look especially bad for that.
Before Shadowlands, when has WoW ever had that in any degree anywhere close to Covenants?
I’m going to preempt the Aldor/Scryer by saying that comparison is just flat out wrong. The only major difference was pre-raid gearing and a minor gap in shoulder enchants, no decision made there followed you outside Karazhan.
PVP power was datamined in SLs. When asked about it Ion said we are not bringing it back then proceeded with the vendor talks. He stated plainly, that PVE gear will STILL BE bis for PVP in SL and they feel thats how it SHOULD be.
The highest cap of the vendor gear will be herioc raid level. Past that its back to random drops at Gladiator.
Trinkets will still be from PVP, and so will broke item effects.
There will still be a power gap for PVE gear ans Ion thinks that is the way it should be.