Why do casuals care?

What was that saying the ‘Hardcore’ always said about casuals?

‘Accessibility dumbs down the game?’

And yet, hardcore players want more accessibility to covenant abilities, regardless of the story.

It’s still an RPG. It being multiplayer is completely irrelevant.


Its an MMO first, with RPG Flavor.

Not an RPG with multi-player.

The fact you people don’t understand that is astonishing.

It’s NOT completely irrelevant. RPGs and MMORPGS are completely diffrent genres.

lol just because MMO comes before RPG in the title doesn’t make it any less of an RPG. That’s the genre name. Let me know when you find an RPGMMO.

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No they’re not. The only difference is the amount of players. :rofl:

You must be one of those try-hards that washed out of actual competitive games.


Everything trickles down. If you are expected to swap for every fight at the high end it will only be less forgiving for pugs and stuff.

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Your purposely skating the point.

This is NOT an RPG, IE a single player game where you play a role. Thats not this, never was, NEVER will be.

If you want to play an RPG go play Skyrim, this is an MMO…

Single player RPG’s and MMO RPG’s have differences. RPG’s and MMORPG’s are not completely different. We can argue genre names all day long, point being is that we are getting more RPG aspects in this mmoRPG.

RPG. Complete the phrase there, champ.


If you want to play a game with no RPG elements where you can dodge character progression then go play Fortnite.


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incorrect. The entire tenants of game design and function are completely diffrent.

Thats why MMORPG is abbrv MMO…

You people are delisuonal.

Incorrect, guy. Not all mmo’s are mmorpg’s. Lets not start making stuff up. lol

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It’s already abbreviated. It’s an MMORPG. Come on now, you’re not even trying.

How is it that Black Desert, Final Fantasy, Guild Wars, and Star Wars can manage to have ‘Single Player’ RPG in their MMO, but WoW can’t?

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Ahh but Character progesion is where the RPG aspect comes from.

Adding locked choices and altering the game for choices is not a core tenant of MMO development. Other MMOs have tried stuff like this, and it failed miserably and created nothing but problems.

Correct. Character progression is a large part of what adds RP to the G. Now we’re learning.

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None of those games have single player RPG in their game…

That is thrown out the window the second you have to interact with other players.

Just wow, go back to Fortnite. Stop trying to make an RPG competitive.


I’m not trying to make an RPG competetive, Blizzard decided to make this game competetive when they added Arena in the Burning Crusade and called it an Esport. Which oddly enough is when I started playing this game.

They have furthered that “Esport” with the MDI now as well.

Your the one trying to make the game something it never was.

Yeah, which makes it even worse regarding PuG’s.

If someone has bad legendaries, you can rationalize it with “oh, they got unlucky”. If someone has a bad Covenent, even if those chose that for different content or simply because they preferred the aesthetic, they’ve made an active choice in weakening their character for that content.

You might wanna take a peek at the forum code of conduct if you plan to keep posting.



Which in turn means they are likely bad. So that will be a huge red flag.