The difference is that these are a choice, not random.
This game is math with pretty pictures.
There will always be Mathematical best options, those will always form a “Meta” that simply a fact of life.
in many cases.
no choices at all
and depending on how you play this MMORPG the choice is " pick this or un install kek "
$25 dollars per use though. Just like the other choice of changing. If that is the comparison. we want to go with.
You think you’re kidding, but you’re not. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this, honestly.
Probably, well if the system stayed past shadowlands anyways. I don’t see them doing that with something only for this expansion.
I plan on having alts, so I’m 100% fine with not being able to switch covenants. It would limit the amount of stuff I’d have to do with a single character
Actually you should watch that video again. As its litteraly bashing this exact thing. That video is saying the Devs are not good Devs.
Nope and it’s why I don’t care. Blizzard can go either way, I will not care. It can stay gated. They can open the gates. Don’t. Care.
Maybe if they made it so that you choose a main covenant, and sure you can switch to the others… but you won’t be able to gain any reputation with them.
They’re your secondary covenant, and while you’re using that covenants abilties, the one for your main are locked cause they’re kind of cranky you’re using someone else’s power?
Idk if that makes sense?
Because it improves our gaming experience.
Why do tryhards care?
i may have worded my explination wrong im bad at explaining XD
The choice to make your other specs inferior, the choice to neuter you in different forms of content if you wish to do something else, the choice to be stuck with a useless covenant for your desired spec when Blizzard inevitably nerfs your covenant 3 weeks into launch.
They’ve had these systems in Legion, BFA and now Shadowlands, they apologized and had to patch both Legion and BFA into playable states after launch.
Shadowlands will be exactly the same, all of us know it. We’re just giving them the feedback now rather than after launch.
no it dosnt. atleast to me i couldnt grasp what that meant.
Talking about the old Sub-spec system in a sense it sounds like. with a little more moving parts due to it also being a reputation type system.
You choose Fae covenant for your main. You gain rewards and reputation through them, and you have access to all the nice shiny things that those that are loyal too gain.
Then you go to Venthyr and be like, “Hey, I know I’m with the Fae but I can do stuff for you on the side.” You get their abilities, but the Fae aren’t exactly too pleased with it. You don’t gain loyalty with them while playing with the Venthyr, and you can’t get stuff with Venth because they’re like your side chick and they want to be your bae.
And by stuff I don’t mean abilties, so you’d still be just as like viable as if they were your main. You just don’t get access to the shiny stuff - can’t use their tmogs, titles, mounts, enchants, covenant hall, etc.
You still get the stuff, it’s just… not good story wise? Does that make more sense?
See what RPG people want is something akin to Fallout: New Vegas and the like:
Where you choose to align yourself with a faction and you gain special attributes from said faction.
Joining the Brotherhood of Steel nets you the ability to wear Power Armor. Joining Ceasar’s Legion nets you cheap, but reliable melee weapons.
Joining the NCR nets you good rifles.
You get the idea.
wouldn’t that be great for the story?
Im the hero of azeroth and now I want to be a goodest boy in shadowlands helping every single cov in need.
Im completely fine with that change.
So long as I don’t lose anything from night fae. we are good.
I am glad it annoys hardcore players as them being catered to has ruined the game. So anything that chases them away is good in my book.
Otherwise yes you are correct, does not really mean much to me.
… I mean ya, I guess you’d be like making nice with all the Covenants.
But we’re still not sure if the Covenants are like… getting along? It’s like being a Christian and a Satanist - they don’t exactly like each other, but… we’re not sure?? At least I’m not, I’m trying to keep as spoiler free until I get the beta.
But it wouldn’t that also add like… a ton of work? I mean I guess I wouldn’t see the problem with it if those people are willing to do 4x as much work, but… like I said, we don’t know the specifics as to whether or not the other Covenants would be okay with that?