Sigh, again, I’m talking about the players attitude about the change. I doubt nor care that many people will roleplay their elves as discriminating towards green eyes blood elves. The point is that some blood elf players will start with the spiel that their blood elves are better because they are pure.
I hope you are right and it doesn’t cause a real divide with the BE community, but even now, we already have the sort of “pious paladin” user archetype that looks down on fel users. And they are not RP’s, but the sort of people that seems to believe their character is better because they didn’t touch that icky fel.
I agree that the Void Elves came out of no where given that they had no appearance in Legion outside of Alleria and the Argassian Reach had nothing to do with them. Also, Telogrus Rift is a chunk of rock with two tents.
However, they are NOT ‘traitorous’ Blood Elves. They did not dabble into the void because they rejected their home or wanted to join the Alliance. If you read up about Umbric, his intention was to use the void to protect Silvermoon. Also, there are High Elf wayfarers alongside Silvermoon scholars in Telogrus Rift.
Their storyline is that they wanted to study the power of the void. “We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.” But they were shunned out by their own people because of how the void interacted with the Sunwell. This is a storyline about hypocrisy more than anything, and it was Alleria that brought them into the Alliance by saving their asses from Nether-Prince Durzaan. It has a lot more interesting lore implications especially when we get reintroduced to the Ethereals. I’d much rather have that than a “oh hey we hate the Horde, and we have blue eyes, so we’re part of the Alliance again I guess.”
Well, flip flopping factions is just bad optics. BE’s already got a lot of crap because they were alliance at one point and while we all get it, that then a group left the horde and became alliance, again, just looks bad.
Optics, they come across as flip floppy; even Lor’themar calls them traitors.
Yeah, I doubt it will get that bad to be honest. There might be some snide comments here and there, but I doubt it will ever be enough to cause any real divide.
Never. Can’t even bring myself to give him golden eyes.
I mean a part of it is aesthetic; red, gold, brown skin and green eyes just look damn good.
The other thing, is that most of my Blood Elves come from a background where they went with Kael to outland in War3. I love blood elves since TFT, and my mains have been through all of the BE story, from believing in Kael, to been sent back to rebuild, to join the horde, and to confront his treachery. The green eyes mean something, a lot, of the journey they have been through.
So yeah, can’t bring myself to give him golden eyes. My explanation is that the guy 1-had to handle a lot of fel in Outland, 2-still works on heavy fel environments purifying it so he’s not gonna get cleansed anytime soon.
I can understand that, people need to realize that the green eyes are more of a badge of honor for Blood elves. It shows that despite the dangers you returned home to Quel’thalas, and helped the remaining Blood elves reclaim their homeland and fight away the scourge. Unfortunately because a few actually did feed off the Fel, and use it nefariously it’s got a negative connotation to it, so it’s an easy target.
This character will certainly be getting blue eyes, as she’s going to be one of the high elves from Alleria Stronghold who returned to Quel’thalas with Auric Sunchaser after the Dark Portal re-opened. With Auric already there it feels like the most organic, and lore-friendly option, and it’s something I’ve always felt had the most likelihood of happening.
Personally I think they should just remove the timer and combat break from transformation toys on RP servers. Let those people play as troggs or Eradar if they want to.
I’m still holding out for purple eyes. If those come I’ll be changing to that, if not I’m going with blue. Maybe teal since he did go back to Quel’thalas to aid.
Kinda a he’s got the Fel radiation taint but it’s starting to return to blue.
I think is something other than that, after all they left the Alliance in the RTS and even allied with the Naga briefly. They’ve made more of it than there is.
But I’m saying the fandom comes from them being a part of the RTS. In both WC1 and WC2, they were a huge part of your army. They could take down dragons and zeppelins.
So really what it all comes down to is texture. What if the High Elves had a brand new model with different animations, and had the same skin tone as the Blood Elves? Would you still be opposed to that?
Having a desire for those races to be playable is not the same as saying we should never get more allies. That’s a real interesting leap.
No, not really. You can interpret the desire however you want but at no point did I say that the story should stop giving these factions allies unless they’ll be playable. That’s a requirement you invented that I never attached to it.
You’re admitting that the High Elf fantasy belongs to both factions yet insist that playability should stick to just one. Interesting. I’m glad we’re making progress, though.
Yeah, “A” former leader. But that’s not how you phrased it before. You said:
Your words, by my interpretation (and I’m confident the interpretation of any reasonable person reading this), implied that it was Lor’Themar Theron who lead the entirety of the Quel’dorei. Lor’themar was only a Ranger-Captain under Sylvanas Windrunner before the fall of Silvermoon City and the decision to rename themselves to Blood Elves. He was never the head of state of the High Elves-- that was Kael’thas Sunstrider. After they became Blood Elves, he named Lor’themar as regent-lord until his return. He never returned, so the mantle stuck.
Lor’themar Theron has never been in position to claim he has lead the entirety of the Thalassian people. He can only claim to lead those that considered themselves Sin’dorei, and his struggle to unify the holdouts who refused has been the focus of at least one publication.
Whether or not she’s the official leader, she’s the de-facto leader. If it walks like a duck, after all.
It’s what they mean: High elves have been in the Alliance in WC2 and WC3 and have many fans therein. Alliance players were somewhat okayish with BE because they all had GREEN eyes. There were lots of Alliance HE NPCs with blue eyes. Alliance fans have held out hope, for about 15 years now, that blizz would give the alliance a classically alliance race. What those blue eyes mean is that Hell no, alliance get an HE model, never. I’m just kind of laughing at how overrun the Horde is with elves. It’s like it doesn’t even have an identity anymore. Both factions are missing major pieces of identity at this point. Horde seems to get a cooler version of everything Alliance gets, Alliance have NE, which originally weren’t alliance in WC3, don’t have their classic elves, and a ton of their races are human variants.
That’s retcon, if it was ever stated explicitly. There were still elves in the Alliance in other places, also HE npcs loitered all throughout classic Alliance side. Not a single elf horde side. Kael thas took a part of his people with him. And the BE who joined the Horde weren’t in contact with them.