i was recently mass reported and automatically banned ((due to previous infractions most of which i dont agree with but what ever)) for using a Weak aura to predict the chance to win an AV in alterac valley in anniversary… nothing in the weak aura which isnt spam its a 1 time per bg is offensive and its actually fairly accurate, i know my first appeal is going to be denied as its not actually looked at by a human being i dont care what you say its not. What ever happened to the days of if something was wrong a gm would contact you in game say hey your messing up you say ok sorry and stop if thats the case instead now blizzard uses an automated system that can literally get you banned…
nothing in the weak aura targets anyone it doesn’t whisper anyone it just compares numbers and gives people an idea yet here i sit on my day off banned unable to play because of mass report system from players who feel threatened by someone not even talking to them or about them…
20 year player my account is from 2004 and im honestly considering quitting as blizzards current systems seem to discourage any talking what so ever because someone might get offended at the most inane thing
You do not get “automatically banned”. After being reported, a GM will investigate whatever was reported and determine whether or not an account action is warranted.
While you can take your best guess, you won’t actually know the exact reason you were actioned until that is clarified by blizzard staff.
Well, you don’t know what the outcome of an appeal is going be, and there isn’t even a system in place to have a robot look at appeals and make determinations. The process is too complex for automation right now. GMs investigate reports.
You were not. There is no such thing as either of the issues you mentioned. You were reported by your fellow players and actioned according to Blizzard’s policies. Now as for how long it takes? It takes as long as it takes.
APeals take long because u dont want a rushed judgement Apeals are for a fresh real GM to go over the logs and reports and verify if a mistake was made or not.
Action Taken: We have temporarily suspended access to this WoW account.
You were reported multiple times by your fellow players for inappropriate communication. Some examples include abusive chat, advertisement, spamming, or other communication that violates our code of conduct.
the weak aura will say ONCE per bg when asked something like {STAR} Comparing Dreamscythe players on other team vs yours {STAR} your chance of winning this av is 26.2%
RIght so there we go so heres the thing Do u use masked language do u drop F bombs do u insult other players intelegence just be toxic every one of those things are reportable and actionable.
no the only thing i say in BGs due to past issues is things like stop turtling come south basic things like that i dont target specific players and call them out or whisper them calling them out
Sorry but there are no automatic bans or suspensions! Do not believe what you read on reditt! Mass reporting is not a thing as a GM still will look and verify you broke the rules and if so what action should happen.
Mass reports do not automatically get you actioned. At the worst, you get squelched, which is a temporary chat silence if you get reported too many times within a period of time.
You wouldn’t get suspended for spamming due to an addon that says something once in a battleground.
However, the forums are not a medium to debate your account action. Nothing can be done about it here and it doesn’t seem like you even wanted to inquire about anything, but rather just spam.
See, there is a trend of people coming to the CS forums to question an account action they received, acting as though they have no idea why they were suspended or name-changed, only for a moderator to come in and reveal that they have a mile-long rapsheet of infractions and were lying to everyone in the thread.
And just to add this point, if you were suspended for communication, then this was either an egregious violation, or not your first.
Not automaticly denied! A person reviews the logs and sees if there is anything done wrong.
If this is for language then the review would be rather quick and if you did use foul and or toxic language. Well your chances are slim to none to get overturned.
i know why i was suspended ive done this for far to long and have learned, i was mass reported the next penalty on my account is 10 days, you people keep claiming its not automatic but it is 100% the system will apply the penalty and it wont be reviewed unless you contest it looks like i get to spend the next 4 months appealing to have an actual human look at my ticket if i dont just say forget this game I’ve invested 20+ years into without having a lapsed sub as this isnt the first time and im getting tired of dealing with a multi billion dollar company who seemingly has 20 support staff on payroll, it will take me longer to appeal this action than for it to expire, and agian all this does is activly promote not communicating in game
There’s one system in place that will affect you if enough people report you. A preventative measure solely in use to tackle gold spammers. Not abusive chat. That’s called a squelch.
If you were silenced or suspended, it was not due to player reports, but was reviewed by an overseeing game master that agreed with the reports. The sanction was manually given.
When was this ever the case? Granting you clemency for using inappropriate language and violating chat rules has never been a thing, to my knowledge.
i didnt use inappropriate language, i apperantly according to the panda was also reported for informing people of the rules they agreed to when telling them it wasnt allowed before reporting them…so know what forget it