Why do Americans fawn over Canadians so much?

The only thing you guys gave us is Ryan Renolds, yummmmmmmmm. Everything else you guys can keep, oh and take Jim Carrey back.

Eh, I’ll take the wait over the bill we get here.

In March, I came back from a quick trip to the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan. A few days later, I was really sick. I waited until I couldn’t take it anymore, and finally went to the hospital.

Sure, I got in instantly, but I was so afraid of the bill (and that’s with health insurance from a Fortune 500 employer) I waited days to go. Oh, then I got the bill a few weeks later for a few tests and one night in the hospital.

After insurance, $3000.00 USD. That’s a pretty hefty penny, seeing as I pay a pretty hefty amount for insurance each month as-is.

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I miss Gord.

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Yikes. That’s still bankrupt territory for a huge chunk of the country. And for those who can’t afford healthcare premiums,


Well, I’ve met my fair share of Canadians with my being so close to the border. The ones I’ve met seem pretty groovy. All I can really say is don’t judge us by our rich and powerful. They don’t represent the normal person. We just have a system that’s set up reward them for being rich and powerful. Ironically the people who make the rules to benefit the rich and powerful are, wait for it… the rich and powerful. It’s a pretty broken system.

uh do you wave the container of syrup around patrioticly or bounce it off things or consume it over ice cream

I must know!

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I’ve seen Trailer Park Boys I know what Canadians are really like.

First off sorry to hear you had cancer, I am Canadian and also have a lot of experience with our so called free healthcare. Its very basic free stuff, and with that comes huge waiting lists for surgery unless its life threatening, we do pay for it subversively through exorbitant tax rates and IF we decide to go the pay to win method we can head to the US and get great treatment for real dollars which is so nice!. I am currently on a one year waiting list for a neurologist that I must see due to seizures . If I was in the US I could easily see one right away, Canada’s healthcare is a joke in comparison, too much cash to the government for no returns

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Come visit, we’ll give you the full tour.


Most hospitals don’t expect you to write a check for $5000 or whatever your copay is. I was on a payment plan and was doing less than $100 a month until things settled down for us. The CTCA didn’t give a crap about my tiny little $5000 when they were getting over half a million from Blue Cross.

Anyways, I’m not against free health care, I just want it to be an option. I want to pay for health care because I want the best care. If people want the gov to tell them what treatments they can or can’t get, they can have at it.

Sounds like my 180 dollar copay for a specialist. And people wonder why we wait until it’s too late or just die at home.

Opportunity cost strikes again. Sacrificing two house payments for my life.

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yee haw I’d love to
It’s beastly hot down here

Get on the Rick Simpson protocol man its a game changer

Canada pulled the greatest one one of all time. They managed to stick us with Justin Beiber.

And Celine Dion. They can have both back. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

As long as you’re happy and being nice to people I think it’s all good :slight_smile:

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Listen we hear you have bacon and beer over there… we want IN! We took in Beiber YOU owe US!

Americans always say that like he’s somehow different from any of the multitudes of generic pop stars you’re constantly churning out

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I mean… we did produce nickelback, so they may have a point.

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This is a good point. They’re all bad no matter where they’re from.