Why do Americans fawn over Canadians so much?

This time of year, we mostly (on the east coast anyway) just have to deal with humidity. I can’t speak for central or west, but if you like the ocean, the forests, and smallish cities, you’d enjoy the Maritimes.

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Exactly. We’d be in better shape as a nation if it was affordable to go to doctors on the regular before we’re in rough shape.

I work in Amsterdam on occasion, and I’m always super jealous of their healthcare. “Oh, I pay 50 EU a pay period” Me-“What about a deductible or copay?” “What’s that?”

I think this is a misunderstanding of how the Canadian system works. The government isn’t an insurance provider, they aren’t paying someone else to do the job. You get what the doctor recommends and cost isn’t as big of an issue because it isn’t a for profit system that is jacking up the costs by literally 1000s of percent.

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You stole my fries last night. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :fries: :maple_leaf:

Someone is a tad touchy i was joking.

Some people age like fine wine. That poor dumb boy aged like unrefrigerated milk.

That’s still $5000, either way you slice it. Paying it off slowly makes it slightly easier to swallow but you’re still out $5000 for something that should be free.

americans fawn over us? huh… all i noticed is that they think i’m the nicest guy in the world, just cause i use my manners…

My best friend is from Canada I swear!

Someone is a tad touchy

Said the guy immediately getting defensive when I simply point that out

sorry about that, but in our defense, it was more youtube giving you guys justin bieber, not us.

I have been to BC and it was lovely.
Would very much like to visit more places in Canada. Not fawning or anything :grinning:

Enjoy Canada Day!
I am preparing for our Independence Day which is loud with fireworks that my pets don’t like.


No. We just wait 8 hours with shockingly high premiums and a chance of an uncovered visit by insurance companies if the ER visit doesn’t result in an admittance.

Well, if the pandemic ever gets sorted out, stop by sometime and say hi. Best of luck with your pets!

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I’mma pay you 20 gold to sod off.


But they gave us Rush first.
Rip Neil Peart :broken_heart:

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We gave Rush to the whole world, and you’re welcome.

Miss you, Neil


Hospital needs to keep the lights on. They need to pay their employees. They need to keep up-to-date on the latest technology. As for the insurance company, they need to write a check for thousands of dollars at the drop of a hat.

All that takes money and nothing in life is free. The gov is already in debt trillions of dollars. They already struggle to pay for the social programs we have now. How could they handle adding a problem that could buckle our economy?

(And before someone says some tiny little country with barely 5 million people figured it out, just remember that America has 300 million documented residents.)

I don’t understand… so your doctors work for free?

The manners are rare around these parts… they are a marvel to behold when seen.

Actually now a days when someone puts down their phone to talk to me face to face I’m not gonna lie, I get turned on a little bitt.

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Ummmm. You dont live near the Canadian Border. If you did, you would know that your supposition is just ridiculous.