Why do Alliance players want Horde races?

I keep seeing people post about high elves and during legion I remember the whining about the Nightbourne going to the Horde, and even a few complaints about the Horde getting the Vulpera, and I don’t get it.

Why do Alliance players feel entitled to the Horde races? There’s never been an outcry for the Horde to get Humans/Dwarves/etc… Are Alliance players just selfish by nature?


Because the Alliance feels like they’re entitled to everything, it’s not that they want to have what the Horde has, they just want everything.


Considering I have yet to find a Warcraft YouTuber who doesn’t talk trash about the Horde and suddenly getting angry when they get wrecked by one.

I don’t think that’s too far from the truth.

But let’s be fair to them, mechagnomes? Really? That’s what they get? Gnomes that are cyborgs.

Void elves are just crazy recolored blood elves.

Lightforged Draenei are just more luminous Draenei, with a crazy crusader mentality.

I’d feel shafted and insulted too.


I would argue that Horde generally has more enviable races. The only Alliance race I’ve ever seen Horde display interest in were Dark Irons back before they were added as an Alliance AR.


Some people just want everything they like on one faction, not the most unnatural of impulses. Trolls are entirely too cute to be constrained to one faction though. Miss out on trolls? Not likely. So I’m bifactional again, it’s really the only way to see this game, everything from both sides.


Can’t really argue about the gnomes. They did get nice ARs though, in fact they got the only AR based off an entirely new model instead of a simple recolor of a current playable race that also has pretty awesome unique druid forms.
They also got the playable dwarf race they’ve been requesting for years and their own belf model (which I despise due to how “out of nothing” they were made just to please the alliance with the belf model).


Honestly, while Vulpera basically go off my races model, they’re canines and goblins don’t have a anthromorphic setup.

The only ones who do, are Draenei, Pandaren, Tauren, and the Worgen.


I think i misspoke what i meant, i didn’t really mean recolor, but more like reskinnig/reworking of regular races, the only exception here are the kul tirans which are based off another skeleton entirely and are by all accounts, the only really “new” and exclusive allied race (and i’m not even counting their awesome druid forms) and yet people hate them because they’re “fat” while saying Blizzard only put effort in the Horde ARs.


Different people want different things. For one Alliance player that wanted high elves, another doesn’t care. It’s just that the disgruntled ones yell the loudest while the content ones ignore the arguments. Plenty of people prefer Alliance stuff to Horde stuff, they just don’t bother wasting time on the forums or social media to let the world know.


All these allied races suck! Big time. The original races are the best.



…can I buy you a drink?


Hmm, interesting. And, by some chance the Alliance get an allied race in the future that the Horde want will you also call the Horde entitled or selfish for wanting them I wonder? The Horde player base can be just as selfish and entitled as the Alliance player base. It’s a two way street.


Absolutely. But for the most part I haven’t seen any horde poster demanding access to any of the alliance races so it’s really a moot point.


Hence why I said a future allied race. Could very well happen come Shadowlands.

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Honest days pay for a honest days work. Same goes for playing a game. Usually. Some players feel one of the factions are biased from the devs. Some feel marginalized. Can you blame them? No I dont.

It is a simple issue that should be addressed and balanced. Honesty is the best policy. Transparency is needed in tough situations as this as the devs have put themselves in this kerfuffle. :clinking_glasses:


Because we have a vocal minority of players on the alliance that whine about horde bias and how the alliance gets nothing good, (it’s just nothing THEY personally want in reality) it is a shame but it is what it is.


We didn’t really need any more of these threads did we??


Well to be fair, our side of the street is bumper to bumper right now.


It’s not all Horde races - just the aesthetically (by general consensus) pleasing ones.

Alliance players want Orcs! (said NO ONE EVER).


No, or snarky remarks but here WE BOTH ARE!

Sorry couldn’t help myself, nice mog btw!