I don’t want a job there either
Right, but someone could have 2 years of solid vanilla and none beyond, while one could have 10 years of in game experience and have none within vanilla. Simply showing a played-time doesn’t say much at all.
That’s true, someone could have made an account in vanilla, never played, and then shows up here tagged as a “veteran”
I see what you are saying
Veteran here I played since the pre alpha and played on all Pservers
same but my dad works for nintendo.
So… Veteran and Traitor titles?
We prefer to look at ourselves as the faithful; true believers.
Veteran and Cultist?
That’ll do!
All and all, I do respect your posts because they are logical and sound.
As much as I hate to say it, DHKs should remain because to cherrypick otherwise would become a slippery slope for balance changes/other changes.
I’ll enjoy the world pvp and city raids for however long that phase lasts for.
Yes, you have joined us, welcome friend.
Not to mention, we can farm DHKs together in our high warlord/ grand marshals gear
Such as? Just going with the usual slippery slope argument, and assuming that the Activision-Blizzard in question is only allowed to slide downwards using patch elements from the vanilla period, what is the functional, realistic risk? If they can do this, can you think of actual harm they could do otherwise, under the same constraints?
Well–maybe they start getting ideas of buffing ret paladins to not have garbage dps.
This is not a possibility I can abide.
That’s not something they can slide down to, using vanilla patch elements. That didn’t exist until TBC.
A time when DHKs were not in vanilla existed, what you just posted did not.
You guys have a serious disconnect when it comes to things that existed in vanilla and things that did not.
LOL so, DHK’s are pointless therefore you are this pumped to get them removed? If they only effect some players negatively under odd circumstances, then why should we care?
I’ll answer that… we shouldn’t. and it’s a game mechanic that adds flavour, it’s vanilla it was in way before 1.12 and we are getting 1.12 and or very close to so, that’s that.
No. I never said they were pointless, I said they failed at their point, and ended up punishing legitimate players doing legitimate world pvp far more than they punished griefers.
And that isn’t that. Blizzard is already turning this thing into a frankenpatch, so there’s no harm in trying to get them to make the game better using vanilla-only elements. This isn’t a slippery-slope situation. It was in vanilla, we all played vanilla without DHKs, and this was generally considered a golden age.
I want that golden age, forever.
They could remove the Honor system entirely. There was a period of time where there was no Honor at all.
Ludicrous. How does that make the game better? Please stick to realistic examples that have a snowball’s chance in hell of happening. I’m not interested in your hyperboles.
Edit: Actually, I think it’s time for me to mute you. Overdue, really.