Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

I’m personally for anything that preserves or improves the spirit of vanilla wow, and against anything that subverts it.

What that spirit’s made of is, I suppose, a matter of subjective opinion. I’m objectively sure it’s filled with world pvp, though. To the brim.

I wish there was some way to get this through to the hard-liners.


Impossible in a forum where nobody cares about actually making Classic the best experience possible, and more about being right about what they say regardless of it involves being daft and unmoving in the face of logic.

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How can the spirit of WoW be WPVP when PVE realms exists?

I would say DHKs make sure a lot of people don’t just rush and kill players in a quest hub due to the fact they’re afraid of hurting their rank. If only a few players who do it don’t care about their rank, than it’s working as attended.

Honestly though I don’t care because I will not be playing on a pvp realm this time around.

UH OHHHHH, we got another one! Didn’t read my post, and doesn’t know what DHKs are, or did, or how to get them.

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I’m not mentioning the fact killing the player will hurt their rank, but if that player is able to pull a civi and you end up killing that civi it will hurt your rank.

Oh, I see. Sorry for any confusion.

Also I forget if they added dhk to phasing in this stage of the game. I think that is a good thing as well.

The hard-liners don’t want to make it the best game possible by altering and tweaking things. As one of the designers of vanilla wow said “I’m glad I’m not in charge of recreating WoW, I would want to make tweaks and improvements to the game” That’s not a true quote since I don’t remember it word for word, but this is what he said. That individual understand what the so called “purists” want. We want Classic to have the same positives and negatives that Vanilla had and don’t give me the whole bugs/exploits and they are already adding bull^%@$, that only proves the whole slippery slope thing.

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It always comes back to this: the admission that DHKs were a mistake, but the mistake should be included, for sake of authenticity.

I’m not a letter of the law guy. I don’t agree, and there’s a specific reason for this: this mistake makes them game less of what it was, initially. DHKs were one of the many things that led to Tarren mill and Southshore, once iconic hubs of constant conflict in the true Warcraft style, eventually becoming just more towns. (You could also argue that Battlegrounds did, too, and you’d be right - but those massively contributed to what I’m calling the spirit of vanilla in their own way.)

What I call the spirit of vanilla WoW is the experience people had when they played it. Stuff like wonky class balance was part of that spirit. Having Paladins be what they were, with Ret being niche, and Druids being able to do everything at once, but do all of those things in a mediocre fashion - these are examples of the warts that made the game what it is.

DHKs aren’t warts that contributed to this spirit, this sense of experience. They give us nothing, my dude.

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How was it a mistake? Because you are too lazy to leave a group if someone is triggering DHKs? And you want life more convenient for yourself?

I tell you what, I noticed a massive reduction in the number of important civilians being killed when dhk’s came out. Absolutely massive. For a brief period there, on Dethecus, the game was almost unplayable because you couldn’t fly anywhere or turn in any quests.

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DHKs in vanilla is like giving someone who loves McDonald’s a swimming pool filled with fresh crispy chicken nuggets and then telling them “pay attention because one of those nuggets is going to give you full blown aids, just don’t eat them!”

Actually dhk’s just timegate killing sprees.

Lmao no they don’t, you literally just leave the civilian alive and kill everyone else… including the lowbie trying to get to that civilian.

Okay… a type of killing spree. Fair enough?

So you’d rather dissuade tons of players from world pvp because you want a mushroom vendor to live… hmmm I wonder what would be better for the long term health of the game.

It’s okay we can just gank out of party/raid that way we don’t get dhks unless we do it ourselves.


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Excuse me, I didn’t lend my opinion as to my preference on the matter.

And I revoke my earlier kindness. Yes, they do timegate killing sprees, the exact type of killing spree they were intended to disrupt.

And, as you just pointed out in your edit, and as I pointed out earlier, you can gank out of party.

edit: and your 'hmmm… ’ comment is ridiculous, especially with your comment about how dhk’s don’t really matter. Either they dissuade or they don’t. But if a pvp’r decides not to play because of dhk’s, he’s not a pvp’r, he’s a whiner, and pvp’rs don’t need him around. A true pvp’r is going to tomahawk folks regardless.

No I think you are confused… how do they prevent any killing sprees? When’s the last time you played vanilla? Do you know how many civilians there are?

I assure you I’m not confused. I don’t have a date as to the last time I played vanilla. I guess the day before BC came out? No, I don’t know how many civilians there are - I never did a head count.

edit: and what does it matter, the last time I played vanilla? I think I’m going to walk away now.

Okay well I’ll be honest with you… IF dishonorable kills did a good job of curbing griefing I would wholeheartedly support them… but they don’t. The amount of civilians is extremely small… and most of the time they aren’t even essential NPCs… literally all it does is prevent people from participating in organized world pvp for fear of someone in their raid pulling a civilian and punishing EVERYONE.

You just stayed what it did.

Lowers the amount of organize WPvP.

It’s working as intended move on.