All I read here is, I believe DHK are apathetic to the spirit of my view of vanilla so it shouldn’t be in classic. You know what’s also the spirit of vanilla? Making things inconvenient so players have to figure out ways around it.
You still Havnt explained to me how DHKS don’t stop people from griefing because it’s not severe enough but on the other hand it’s severe enough for people to not city raid because of it.
Here is my idea, flight paths use to not be connected making afk flying not worth it and keeping people in the world longer or encouraging people to use mages more often. This idea fits in with the spirit of vanilla and it’s also not a change since it was in the game. Also they shouldn’t add the extra flight paths they put into the game later on, for the same reasons.
And I didn’t. So here we have memory against memory, which takes us nowhere. I agree with your assessment that it timegated killing sprees, though, which is why I - and many other people - believe it was such an ineffective measure.
Thank you. I’m glad you agree with me. You have effectively illustrated how harmful and detestable the feature was in three short lines. I’m impressed.
I don’t bother to discuss this with you because you are guilty of one of the worst crimes of a logical debate, either intentionally, in which case you would refuse to acknowledge it with any amount of detail, or unintentionally, in which case I doubt I am capable of explaining the problem to you.
To anyone reading this, though, I recommend you check out Rekt’s earlier posts. You can probably work out what’s going on with him pretty quickly. He has completely ignored my explanation of how DHKs selectively punish people who might be interested in ranking by making Orgrimmar/Stormwind raids hazardous, while affording no punishment whatsoever to individuals attempting to specifically grief, as individuals who are out to grief are already engaged in an activity that afforded no honor to begin with.
I really don’t feel like I can talk with the Rekt, because he pretends counterpoints to his statements don’t exist, and only ever responds to points he feels he can exploit somehow.
That’s where I’m at with the whole thing… regardless of what we get… we are all getting what we’ve been asking for. Getting upset about anything or refusing to play because X reason is self torture.
See here is the problem your counterpoint are based on the extreme ends of how DHKS stop people from pvp and the other extreme of how it’s not good enough to stop griefing. News flash majority of the population is going to never be effected by the “sky is falling” scenarios you mention. You also act like this was the sole reason for city raids not happening and if we got rid of them everything will be golden. Some people don’t care about DHKS and ruin your fun, guess what the people who don’t care about rep grinding and winning battleground by just fighting instead of doing the objective create the same problem you are complaining about on a personal level. By them slowing down your progress. Since the honor ranking progress is what stops people. Actually wait if the deterent is honor then by the sheer fact of doing a city raid they are already setting themselves back, DHKS just increase that potential loss. Why is it so hard for people to accept “flaws” with something that’s subjective and insist on having it “fixed” because their head is soooooooo far up their &$$ they can’t fathem the idea of someone liking a “mistake”
Honestly would rather see non-killable quest npcs than dishonorable kills. The system was pretty lame and didn’t really act as a countermeasure to killing quest npcs. I can see why they got added back in though, it was a pretty significant part of vanilla.
make quest givers, innkeepers, trainers, auctioneers, bank tellers, people under level 10 (unless they flag themselves) and griffon masters unkillable. hehehe.
just single-handedly destroyed the root cause of many a wpvp battle. i accept the nobel peace prize. ty ty.
you only got dishonorable kills from either 1 killing players that were way lower level then you (basically they were grey to you) and 2nd of all civilian npc’s Blizzard originally put it in place to try and deter people from killing lower level player’s or ganking/camping as its referred to did it work? somewhat but not as much as blizzard had hoped the system would
Its not hard to avoid a Dishonorable kill, besides dishonorable kills aren’t meant to prevent people from killing npcs. It is an obstacle for some people and its good enough, making npcs immune to death is very stupid and should never be any part of a mmo with pvp in it.
So no you are wrong it didn’t fail its intended purpose, blizzard back then weren’t helicopter parents for cry babies like you.