Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

please tell me how avoiding history isn’t changing something.
classic isn’t an opportunity for you to get CHANGES YOU WANT because it will “fix” the game.

Please tell us how something that was part of vanilla is a change.


90% of the game had DHKS in it? And people want it gone for their convenience. Personally i prefered the un-updated generic look of Tier 2. I suggest the game goes with the old look for Tier 2, it wouldn’t be a change after all.

Warts and all.

That is a risk you take when you join a party or raid.

Same goes for PVE some can ninja loot.

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Actually anyone who played Vanilla can tell you low level players were known to pick fights with high levels because if they retaliated it would cause them a DHK. Clearly you need to get off that private server.

I can’t tell who he’s trolling. Are you trolling the get off the private server crowd with some highly advanced ricochet memes trickshots?

While I do not agree with you refardi.g the old look of tier 2, it WAS present in Vanilla and would therefore be in keeping with Vanilla if it were used on Classic.

As I said, I am neither for nor against DHK’s in Classic. I simply recognize that both versions existed during Vanilla.

BTW, since you seem to place such importance on the amount of time during Vanilla that DHK’s were present, the vast majority of the game did not have cross realm BG’s.

What is your opinion regarding cross realm BG’s?

would rather not have them cross realm. cross realm BG’s and no DHK are both QOL things, I’m not a fan of QOL. If DHK stay great, I find it amusing that people think DHK is what stopped world zergs/raids.

I think CRZ bgs are cancer to my eyes and will probably make the difference as to whether I pvp. I’ll do it a bit for the gear as I level, and I could care less about a long queue if it means I’m not stuck with a bunch of anonymous jerks or, say, people who are the opposite of RP and play solely to PvP so will just whup. If they only crossed the Rp realms (if there’s more than one) I’d probably be fine with that, though I like the idea of only fighting with and against those from my server.

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It has nothing to do with cross realm.
DHK sucked it just causes same faction players to grief you.
It wont effect you personally but your tank loses out on a month of work cause someone griefed them randomly


that was a reply to fezs question about my thought on cross realm BG’s. A month of work because someone griefed them? chicken little much?

I appreciate the response.

Thank you.

The people who are arguing against the OP on the basis that DHKs are needed to keep things authentic – you need to be logically consistent and also argue for the removal of DHKs at some later point in Classic’s life. If you’re going to play the authenticity card, you don’t get to pick the level of authenticity that you are personally okay with. Considering that this is clearly going to be a Frankengame amalgamation of features, arguing for true authenticity seems intellectually dishonest anyway.


u mean 2.0.1? sure lets get in buyable high warlord gear also, arenas anyone?

It’s perfectly OK, however, to argue for DHK’s for all of classic’s life with the honor system, right?

It’s perfectly OK for you (general you, not specific) to pick the level of authenticity with which you are OK, right?

Authenticity died with the sharding announcement, and 1.12 honor gear in the MC/BWL content cycle was the dirt thrown atop it. They’re making something that is absolutely not the game that was launched in 2004, and at this point I’m convinced nothing we say can stop that.

So we might as well try to make the best of it. While there’s nothing we can do to make the game obey the letter of the law, we can at least tell them how we think the game can be the best it can be in the spirit of vanilla.

RIP #nochanges


We always knew that was going to be the case. They were never going to start from the beginning. We already have gotten way more than I ever expected from it. Going in I was always expecting them to drop 1.12 and then just walk away.


Honestly i was always hoping DHKs would count players much lower level then you if you attacked first (half your level or lower)… Fair game once they attacked but hey thats me

Eh I’ve always thought being able to go after someone 10-15 levels lower than you was kind of messed up. It’s one reason I eventually got off a PvP server, I was tired of being someone else’s entertainment.

By that logic vanilla should either end after the same number of days, or transition straight into TBC once again.