Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

I am convinced that since blizzard begin announcing their bad decisions, retail trolls who would otherwise be posting “please add tokens/LFR/Transmog” are now working the angle of pretending blizzard’s decisions were good. Especially telling when they add “#nochanges” to the end of their posts as some have done.

Note that while the D2 set was way too powerful to put in game until next to the last phase, PVP gear? Perfectly reasonable to put in early.

That’ll be “PvE Server” you’re looking for. Don’t have to fear icky things like losing to overwhelming force, there.

Yep. It’s mental. A much greater cause for concern than DHKs, to be honest. It throws not one but two raiding tiers out of whack. By the time people around here realize it (as actually comparing the stats of these items using a database is too much work for your average keyboard pounder) it’s going to be too late.

I don’t understand how Blizzard hasn’t realized this, though. They itemized the god damned things. They ought to know.

This argument is like climate change debates. 99% of scientists say one thing, 1% say the other, so people treat each side completely equally. It’s not an equal scale. 80% of the game had Honor and DHKs. 5% had Honor and no DHKs. 15% had no honor and no DHKs. And when DHKs were removed, so was Honor (in 2.0.1).

They should be included in Content Patch 6.

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DHKs were never removed during the life of Vanilla.

They were removed in the TBC Pre Patch, along with Honor. Are you arguing to remove the Honor System too?

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I thoughy BGs killed WPVP LUL

But, the majority of the time BG’s existed dud not have CRBG’s.

I get it, CRBG’s are more convenient. Your post history seems to indicate that you favor the option that provides the most convenience in most, if not all, cases.

Imagine that. A retail player favors the option with the most convenience. Color me surprised.

You want sharding well beyond the “starting areas” and we’ll beyond as “brief time at launch”.

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Surely not. No one would want that. Right?

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Dishonorable kills were in Vanilla and were in the game when 1.12 launched. Keep them in.

And similarly I’m good with DHKs not existing in CP2, but being added in CP3. Because that’s the timeline we’re following.

If you’ve read my post history, you know I’m dead set against anything but the starters. So feel free to strawman, but that’s all it is. A fallacy concocted in your own head. The argument that any sharding is all sharding is basically “I don’t trust Blizzard”. And its not what those of us who are watching the Classic team come out with good choice after good choice, reasonably expect.

And the starters is not for “convenience”. Its for launch success and long term viability. I don’t want Classic to fall into a heap because of a bad launch, or end up with dozens of dead servers. If you think there aren’t a lot of people going to try the product immediately on launch, you’re a pessimist, and that kind of plan makes Classic fail.

Feel free to make up lies to salve your own conscience. Only “you” know the right thing to do. “Everyone else is a hypocrite”. But I’ve held to a consistent pattern across all the posts I’ve made. The only changes that should be made are those that are required for the product to be a viable product for years to come. No guild banks. No sharding past launch. No removing integral parts of the historical experience for the sake of “Well it would make it a ‘better’ game”.

We accept that Blizzard has to make financial decisions such as loot trading, because we know we can’t stop it, and it will make sure the product isn’t shot down by angry shareholders. But letting one minor change in doesn’t mean we can let another minor change in. Or another, or another. That path leads eventually to saying that we should “un-remove” LFD because it would make the game ‘better’. So you hold the line wherever the line can be held.

As illogical as it is, some do want exactly that.

Some even want sharding throughout the game, in perpetuity.

Some want the convenience of reduced competition that sharding provides. Those who want that convenience seem to spend copious amounts of time trying to justify extending that convenience.

I did not realize that The Barrens was a “starting area”. In fact, did you not admit that you KNOW The Barrens are NOT a “starting area”.

Are you now saying that you do not want sharding to extend into The Gardens?

IMO, THREE MONTHS can hardly be called a “brief time at launch”. Do you honestly expect ud to believe that 1/4 of a year is a "brief time at launch?

Normally i’d agree with you on this Laeric… as it is SUPPOSED to be a deterrent.

I can tell you from personal experience on both sides that a very SMALL amount of quest givers and NPC’s actually have the civilian tag… this will do almost nothing to stop griefing

And the persuasive arguments of people who don’t immediately jump to insults and fallacies, like you do, convinced me that a week at most would be a far better solution and probably not need it anywhere near as far as 3 months.

Unlike you, I listen to the arguments of my opposition, and when they’re valid, I accept them and adjust my position and thinking. Their arguments were persuasive.

Your attacks simply make people far more stubborn and unwilling to listen to anything you have to say. I now understand why people say a topic got “Fesz’d”.

Ok. So you have changed your mind from 3 months to one week. I must have missed those posts in which you stated you wanted sharding limited to one week. I apologize.

Having said that, I notice that you refused to address The Barrens question?

Do you advocate extending sharding beyond the “starting areas” into area(s) that you admit you KNOW are not “starting areas” or have you changed your mind about sharding in The Barrens, also?

The Barrens, as mentioned everywhere, is a special case issue. Three of the four Horde races all move into it. If Blizzard is seeing more than a 10% conversion rate from L1-10 moving upwards, the Barrens is going to be worse than an unsharded Durotar. So for that one zone, and one zone only, they need to have the sharding option available for the most populated servers. If they aren’t seeing 400-500 people in the Barrens at once, no sharding is needed there.

If they’re seeing people continue past 20 far more than expected, they also need to be ready with a host of new servers consummate with the amount of new players getting past that gate. Because if they are seeing that, then far more people will want to play than they expect.

This isn’t about adding sharding for resource farming or anything like that. I wholeheartedly believe that the server cap once everything settles, should be the Vanilla level of 2-3k. No sharding should be used past what is needed to get past that initial bulge, and once its turned off, it should never be turned back on, even if AQ crashes the world, repeatedly. Vanilla never saw the levels of people hitting Durotar that Classic will, so unique situations require forward thinking solutions.

If you feel that cautious optimism about the success of Classic is a horrible thing, that’s your issue. I think Classic will be a big success, but that part of that success will be 5 million tourists slamming the servers at launch. And a bad launch will damage any chance at success.

That doesn’t mean that I want carte blanche options to change any element of the game sytem “because it would be nicer”. DHKs are an integral part of the Honor System, and were an important addition. Removing them only occurred when Honor Kills were removed, because they reworked how Honor Points were gained, in the Burning Crusade Pre-Patch, i.e. after Vanilla.

Still beyond that “starting areas” meaning that you advocate sharding beyond those “starting areas”, no matter how many mental gymnastics you do to try justify extending the convenience of reduced competition that sharding provides.

DHK’s are gonna be a bummer for city raiding… have fun making sure no one in that 40 man raid kills a civilian or you’ll all be feeling it


Slippery slope fallacy again. I literally laid out the change of direction required if players are passing the 20 mark. There’s no mental gymnastics required to understand that, but straightforward and honest doesn’t seem to be something you can grasp from either Blizzard or other posters.

Are The Barrens a "starting area? By yiur own admission, you KNOW they are NOT.

Do you advocate sharding bring used in The Barrens? By your own admission, you do.

Therefore, you advocate using sharding BEYOND those “starting areas”.

You can try to justify it any way you want, but the truth is that you do not want sharding limited to those “starting areas”.

And yet, I do not want sharding in Eastern Plaguelands.

I know you think you’re on some moral high ground on sharding, but really, you’re just annoying people who are trying to make a reasonable compromise to ensure that we get to play Classic for years to come.

You’re also hijacking a post you know you have no opinion on, in order to push your pet issue again. Sharding will be happening. Its there to help Classic succeed. Deal with it. Move on. Make Azeroth Great Again (ok yes that last bit was silly).

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