Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

You’ve been playing on too many 10K private servers.

Agreed. There’ll be a few trolls but the angst over this decision will die down the moment AV turns up.

just cause they chose the one you dont like does not mean they did not listen to it.
AV had a few threads but not nearly as many as they did after the announcement, plus they are prob looking at things like how certain changes were taken at the time. They got a LOT of complaints about the earlier versions when they first came out. How many people here are begging for this and when they get it realize they want the 1.12 version back, and now they have done a lot of work for something that will prob not go over well.

DHKs is an odd one to bring back, but it seems like they do tend to default to 1.12 then make changes as necessary, its our job to convince them why this is necessary.

RPPVP realms, is something I do find odd to not include one at the start but it sounds like they are hesitent to commit too much resources to this project initially cause they feel that despite this small group of people claiming there will be millions of players, I find it highly unlikely that the number of players will be anywhere near what most people on this forums seem to think it will be.

1.11 did not trivialize threat despite many people claiming it did. Shield slam was not as big a buff as people think it was, and if you are not at least into t2+ its still about threat neutral to use a shield slam build instead of a proper hybrid build.

Maybe not. The 10k servers also had quick responses to this sort of bad behavior, because there was always someone ready and eager to push people out.

Less incidences of it, with more wait time for players to resolve it.

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Considering that it was removed in 2.0 we should leave the game unchanged. That proves it was not a good system and was not even allowed to continue in the expansion.

AND REMEMBER, once a change has been made, we are not going back.
It is better to not make the change, than regret the change made.

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2.0 wasn’t Vanilla. Leaving it unchanged, would mean having DHKs.

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DHK was the change made to the original system design.

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During Vanilla, and it was what Vanilla had from 1.5.0 until the end of Vanilla. So there’s an argument for not having it in CP2, and introducing it in CP3, but not one for never having it.


Maybe we just have different definitions of “faithful recreation”.

Speaking only for myself, I would consider “faithful recreation” to include only elements that were present during vanilla, even if those elements were not all present at the same time.

Examples would include, but not be limited to:

An earlier version of AV or 1.12 AV
Battlemasters or the absence thereof
CRBG’s or the absence thereof
Linked flight paths or the absence thereof

All of these existed during vanilla. IMO, any combination of them would be in keeping with Vanilla.

I do notice that many retail players insist upon the more convenient options, claiming “no changes”, completely ignoring the fact that the less convenient option would also meet the “no changes” criteria.

Some of those retail players claiming “no changes” when pushing firbthe most convenience also advocate the non vanilla change of sharding and pushing the use of sharding well beyond the “starting areas” and that “brief time at launch”.


A faithful recreation would be getting as close to matching the changes made in each patch, over a 2 year period. It doesn’t mean removing whole elements because they’re inconvenient to players.

It’s a plague, my dude. A plague. It’s the first fallback everyone seems to use when they don’t like a particular system or idea, but have no rational means of explaining why they don’t like the thing.

Purity really is a horribly abused ideal. The very notion that people could earnestly believe that encouraging world pvp by fixing one of the things that broke it, somehow diminishes the spirit of vanilla. Absurd.


You mean like “Queues and dead servers are better than sharding”?

Hmm. Guess I heard wrong then. My apologies.

Of course. The servers can simply be merged. They ought to be good at it, by now. Ought to have the infrastructure and protocols to do it quickly and painlessly.

Then you got in bad pugs back then.

I originally played on Alexstrasza realm when I first started playing Vanilla and even though it’s a PvE realm, there was tons of world PvP. I went on plenty of pug raids to Orgrimmar, UC, Tarren Mill, the Crossroads, etc. It was actually by far on of my favorite things to do back then, world PvP.

There would always be 40 plus of us and the leader of the raid would warn everyone from the beginning to be careful and not to get DHK’s. If someone made an honest mistake once, they would let it slide. If someone was being careless, reckless and not thinking of the group going crazy getting DHK’s, the leader would remove them from the group, and rightfully so. DHK’s did not hinder world PvP on my realm and I suppose we had leaders who knew how to lead a pug.

Also, to say that DHK’s didn’t hinder griefing is also false. At least in regards to my old realm. I remember very well some people I knew who would never go attack low level NPC’s of the opposing faction because they didn’t want to lose honor. When the pre-BC patch went live and DHK’s were removed, the first thing they did was go and destroy all the NPC’s in the low level Tauren camp in Mulgore. People started relentlessly attacking and destroying low level quest hubs because they no longer were losing honor.

I have a memory also and that is what I saw happen first hand on my particular realm. I’m perfectly fine with DHK’s in the game. They served a purpose, no matter how many people try to say they didn’t and twist it. People also used DHK’s as a strategy in open world PvP. I remember seeing some players who would stand near an NPC to avoid AoE damage as an example.

Anyways, that’s my two cents. DHK’s are fine and I’m actually glad they will be in Classic.

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1 hardcore pvp server no BG’s no Dhk’s would play forever


This is how I got around DKs back in the day:

  1. Didn’t join a public raid for SS vs TM
  2. Only grouped with guildies who were also ranking
  3. Didn’t raid major cities until I was done my grind.

That said, I don’t think they had a noble purpose outside of the thematical element of “a war hero won’t go around slaughtering innocents.”


It wouldn’t be vanilla without DHKs.

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They also removed the pvp ranking system in 2.0.1.

Are you suggesting they get rid of that, too. Because the removal of both of these systems was obviously related.


Does anyone think this person not a troll at this point?

Troll status confirmed.