Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

None of those are ‘wants’ or quality of life changes for the players.

They’re required changes to ensure that it works smoothly with:

a) Reduced help desk - We already got them to revert part of loot trading.
b) System overload during launch
c) Modern system requirements.

None of the things they added are things that the player base demanded. In fact most of the things they added no-one really wants.

  1. Slippery Slope is NOT a fallacy.

  2. This is not a Slippery Slope Argument.

  3. This has nothing to do with faithful recreation since this is perfectly within the scope of making classic as they first announced it and continued to ask for discussion.

  4. API


In fairness, they stated that and then proceeded to ignore every thread, desire and rationalization.

Not sure what gives you the idea that they ignored every thread, desire and rationalization…

They changed loot trading, based solely on threads full of a lack of rationalization.

They changed the number of phases based on community feedback.

They have prob done other things as well that they have not announced.

Remember that they are actually starting from the retail client and server, with the 1.12 data.

What they are really having to do is REMOVE things from retail in order to make them more Vanilla-like (aoe looting, instant mail, etc).

There are a couple of things that they have decided to not remove for CS reasons (loot trading), launch stability reasons (sharding), or user experience (color-blind support).

In addition, they’ve gone out of their way to ADD things that no longer existed in retail in order to improve the authenticity (debuff slots, spell batching).

But let’s not suggest they are going out of their way to ADD new stuff to the Classic client that is not authentic

  1. yourlogicalfallacyis com /slippery-slope
  2. Yes it is. “Because X was changed, we can change Y as well.”
  3. Maybe not to you, but Blizzard (and those of us who want Classic) want a faithful recreation.
  4. API changes are a required element of using the modern client, and all the bug fixes they’ve made since Vanilla.

oh cool you have a little blurb that says it is, yet does not give any actual reason why it is a fallacy.

you can make a fallacious argument using a slippery slope, but a slippery slope is not in and of itself a fallacy.

They fact that you cant understand that goes a long way to understand why you suck at arguing.

Also you might wanna learn what an API is before you start making claims like that.

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Its a web link on a forum where you can’t post web links. Put a dot between the first two words, and remove the space before the slash.

YourLogicalFallacyIs is a commonly referenced website.

I agree with all of this. I have no point in that post, other than this is hardly a replica. It’s obviously not news to you, but it felt good to say!

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Also, ad hominem fallacy.

Given that’s what I do for a living… I think I’m fine.

The difference is that a lot of people are arguing that the technical changes required for Classic to exist, are justification for game systems to be changed. Loot trading in a Raid isn’t going to break my Classic experience, but removing DHKs will make it unauthentic and a change that doesn’t need to happen for Classic to be launched. Its simply because people who don’t like something demand it change.

That attitude is what gave us LFD, Cross Realm Zones, Merged Servers, and everything else we’re trying to get away from. Life is hard, but people are better off for the experience, instead of taking the easy way out.

DHKs might not be the perfect system, but they’re better than encouraging trolls to perma-kill the Barrens quest hub on a PVE server without consequence, because it gets them more “honor”.

I am speaking specifically about vanilla elements that they enouraged us to discuss (2?) years ago.

We gave plenty of threads and input on AV versions and why they should go with earlier.
Waved off.

We gave input about DHKs.
Waved off

RPPVP realms?

Warrior threat and the trivialization via 1.11 onward?

What have they actually listened to PRIOR to announced decisions?

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Were DHKs in the game by 7.0?

They were in the 1.12 data.

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“Honor”? I might be misunderstanding you. NPCs granting honor was completely removed much sooner than DHKs, and never re-implemented. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I don’t think this lasted more than a couple weeks. Was that what you were referring to?

As for PvE servers… Well, you could always flag to stop them. I’ve heard it suggested that DHKs are appropriate for PvE servers, but not PvP servers. I tend to agree with that sentiment.

Guess what, quest hubs are going to be perma killed acrossthe globe dueto this decision.

Sure. But the people doing it, aren’t also going to be Rank 14. Like I said, not a perfect system.

Except for the guys who got to rank 14 first, and then began their griefing career after.

That’s why Classic is a long revered sandbox game.

Exactly. It will be even worse.